A few things…

… that are happening:

  • A new hole has opened in the ozone above my house as my house A/C seems to contain no more freon. So it is getting hot in here, except for my office. On the plus side though, cheaper electic bill! I really don’t mind the heat (I spend most of my time in the office anyway), but Jessica is the one complaining about it, so maybe I should kick her out :-p
  • I have repaired the floor in my kitchen. You will no longer fear falling through the floor (except for maybe one or two semi-soft spots). I have probably contracted some horrible disease though from all the crap I breathed in from underneath the house.
  • I have steam cleaned two rooms and the water was DIRTY. And I don’t think I was even doing it right. I am going to do it one more time in those two rooms, then I must tackle the big room, the living room.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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