RoadRunner Sales Support

I have been trying to set up a RoadRunner Lite service for a clients mother. The RoadRunner sales people are idiots. I have explained several times now that the service is here in Winter Haven, and the bill is going to Colorado. They do not seem to be able to understand this. I talked to a Nick two weeks ago, and all he ever did was get the account started. Never did anything after that. I finally talked to his supervisor today, and she was even worse! She’s asking me for my clients social security number. HELLO! It’s not for me! I am handling this for someone who lives out of state! If you ever talk to a guy named Nick at RR when you are ordering service, ask for someone else.

The Xiph Fish

I’ve decided that when I go running, I’d like to listen to music. Well, my music library (actually, its mostly Jessica’s CD’s) is in OGG format. I also run Linux. This limits my choices for an OGG player. However, I do believe I have found one that would be alright for me. It’s a Samsung YP-MT6X. It’s a 512MB flash-based (they do have a 1GB player, but this one is blue) media player that also has an FM tuner built it. Which I’d want to so I could rebroadcast my XM over FM and then listen to it while I work too. So someone should get it for me.

Bad Memory

On all the computers* that I have worked on, I have never had to deal with a STOP error that had to do with “bad memory” (other than one that I installed that was bad to begin with). Today, for the first time, a STOP error starting showing up on a computer because the chip is going bad. I am about to find out if it was just “seated” wrong. But still. I always read “check the memory” and it NEVER turns out to be that. Well, today, that has changed.

*Edit: s has been added to satify Jessica Grammar Naziness

Va-Ca!… Over

Well, my week vacation is over. And the day after I get back… right back to work. I was feeling it at the end of the day too… I was about to fall asleep. Today has been hectic as well. In fact, it is going to be pretty hectic till Thursday so far. I’ve got about 5 or 6 computer here at the house in various stages of repair. I am also meeting with a lawyer tomorrow about the girl I saw keying the car. We’ll have to see what thats all about. Anyway, back to the computers.

Decent Mac

I’ve actually got a decent older Mac now. It an iMac slot loading, the DV Special Edition. Its the graphite color. It has a 400MHz processor (I could buy something that would upgrade to a 550 G4). I stuck two 256MB RAM modules that I bought for another computer that didn’t work. And I found a brand new IBM/Hitachi 40GB hard drive just laying around and stuck it in their. It is unbelievebly quiet. I am running OS X 10.3. Now I can take my older iMac and put Linux on it!

Pump Behaviour

I am sitting here at a Flying J waiting for my gas to pump (it’s really slow today). Why is it that people get right behind someone else when waiting to get the pump so that that person can not back out, and has no room to pull foward and out?

Killer Jeans

Me and my father got complimentary passes to Gold’s Gym from the hotel we are staying at, so we walked down the street a bit to it. We walked in and showed the guy behind the counter the passes. The guy said he couldn’t let us in because we were wearing jean pants. They would “tear the machines up.” How jeans will “tear up” a machine, I don’t know. So any way, I will never go to a Gold’s Gym. They are now on my boycott list.