Jaw Dropping

Jessica did the most amazing, sexiest thing today. We were going to the post office, and Wal-Mart, and she was driving. Well, she starts the car up, puts it in reverse, puts her right hand behind my seat, looks back and proceeds to back out of the driveway, all the way. About 75 feet total. Without a hitch, without stopping and adjusting her steering. And she did it at a decent speed (almost as fast as I can do it). I was astonished. I think she deserves an iPod…. but the question is, should I buy her one?

Hate Letter

I got a forward from someone today via email. I usually skim these and then delete them. I don’t pass them on. Of course, I usually check them out to see if they are a “myth.” This one was. You can see it here. I replied to the guy that sent it to me, and to everyone he sent it to. It reads like a hate letter to Muslims. It talks about Hitler and how he tried to supress Christians for their beliefs, but then hypocritically talks about Muslims in return, saying that ALL Muslims may be terrorists. I can’t stand things like that.


Someone set this to me today:

If you are looking for a great computer tech that comes to the house call Jason C. Greb. his co. is ELECTRONERDZ. If you use him please tell him I told you about him. HE is GREAT Very impressed by this very clean cut young man. Jean

I guess she sent it off to her friends. This would be the first official testamonial that I have gotten in writing. People tell me this stuff all the time, but it’s not like I am writing it down.

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures I have taken while out.

This was on the back of some Snoopy Doggie DVD… if it was a LIVE performance, then it’s been seen before… by a lot of people. Otherwise, it would have been a pretty expensive gig to set up, and have no audience.

Classic example of a redneck truck. In case you can’t tell, that is a refridgerator on the back. It’s his tool box. And guess where I saw it… Wal-Mart!

I saw this on US 27 heading down from Haines City. Must have been done for the day. I guess his truck isn’t big enough to put the ladder in…

Enter Secret Image Code!

I can’t stand websites where you have to write down what you see in an image. They never properly test them. If you make a mistake in one place, the next page, it never reads the code correctly. I tried on one page about 15 times, never worked. Always told me the code was wrong.

SlowBooks Pro 2006

For anyone using QuickBooks Pro 2006 with Linux, there is a great write up on how to make it work with Samba. However, don’t expect a lot of security. I tried this and noticed one thing that the article did not mention however. If you are using it, and it is slow… try this. Make an entry in your hosts file that points to the server. I had one station that would take 5 minutes to open QuickBooks. I put the server in the hosts file, and it loaded up in a minute. Still slow, but that is 2006 for you. QuickBooks is getting worse every year. I can’t wait for Quasar to start getting a little more popular.

Default Clicking

If I say “click on Properties,” that means LEFT click…. if I say “right-click on Properties,” then you right-click. Do NOT ask me “Left or right click?” I will go crazy. If no side is specified, left is considered the default.

Shaking Head IT Syndrome

(6.3MB email via Exchange Server) x (20+ seperate domains) = Dead Internet Connection

Look, don’t send huge attachments to 40 seperate people when using an Exchange server. It is just not a good thing. Your connection will crawl. I guess I will have to have a meeting with a few people.


I HATE AOL with a passion. AOL HighSpeed is the suckiest service ever. Having to open AOL is absurd. It’s even more complicated when you want to connect a Mac, in which the software won’t connect. I can’t imagine what would happen with Linux. I’ve talked to about 8 people at AOL now. All passing the buck. I’ve been disconnected at least 2 times. Don’t ever get AOL. I will despise you.