Well, in my second day in Riviera Beach, I have developed a bit of a burn. I also managed to burn my hand on a hot pipe. And I got all scratched up by trees.
Final Destination
Well, I am in Riviera Beach again. The last time I was here, my father almost broke my legs with a huge 2 foot pipe. This time, we were pulling some roots with a backhoe, and I was pulling on a some of the roots when one just snapped out of the ground and threw me back and hit both of my arms, almost bruising them. It threw me back about 6 feet, and actually knocked my hat off of my head. This was only in the second hour. And of course, I’ve already had several calls for people trying to make appointments for today/this week. Anyway, I’ll be back on Friday. I’m also a little tipsy, because I drank a huge bottle of Smirnoff.
Blind Leading the Blind
I have a small business customer who’s computer I updated to Windows XP. Well, they needed a particular program reinstalled, which they didn’t have the CD for. So the people providing the program sent two (yes, two) people to come over and install it. Well, it is awful. Neither of them are technical people. I copied the old program folder onto the new desktop. I told them this. They HAD to move it to the root of C. I can’t stand non-technical people trying to do technical things.
It’s absurd! What are the programmers at McAfee smoking?? Standard install of McAfee; 9 programs startup via registry; 7 services startup on boot. Why??? Why do you need that many programs starting up?! That is 16 programs taking up valuable memory!?! Anyway, McAfee is coming off of this clients computer, and AVG is going on. It’s quicker, and does a better job. Go download it.
Pavement = Dump
What is it with people that just dump out their drinks on the road while they are stopped at a light or sitting in a parking lot? Are they not good enough to keep that in their car and just get rid of it at home, or the gas station? Then I have to drive all over it and get coke splashed up onto my car. It is bad enough with dirt and rocks, I don’t need to add coke to the mix.
MythTV Box 2.0
I am redoing my MythTV box. A customer of mine upgraded, so I got his old computer. It is a 3.0GHz Pentium 4, with 1GB of RAM, ATI Radeon X700 PCI-E video card, and SPDIF-caplable sound. Oh yeah, and Gigabit Ethernet.
Ouch… $997. That is what it is costing me to rebuild a transmission in a truck that is worth about $1500. It better work for a good long time.
Need Dough
My truck had a little hiccup last week. Ok, a big hiccup. The transmission decided to crap out. It threw up all of its fluid, and then crawled on the ground. I thought about it over the weekend about what to do. I either had to drop another $700+ into it to rebuild the transmission, or buy a newer truck. Well, until I turn 25, insurance is gonna be awful. So I have 7 more months before it gets cheaper. I opted to drop more money into it. Also, to make matters worse, the transmission in my Mustang isn’t getting better, even after a fluid/filter change. So one of these days, I will have to rebuild that one too I suppose. I’ve also got a huge tax bill to pay, but some recent transactions have helped me there. I’ve also got the work cabinets installed into my office. And last but not least, my parents now have a blog. Check it out at http://www.harley-wind.com/. I’ve also got my cabinets in my office up. Once it is organized, I will take some pictures and post them. Anyway, I must go do something more useful, like working out or something.
Image Gallery
I am creating an image gallery. You can see it at http://www.grebfamily.us/jasongreb.com/wp-gallery2.php
Penguin Power
Uptimes of a few servers that I have setup with Linux:
12:42:20 up 298 days, 8:33, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 18:40:45 up 202 days, 2:37, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.00 18:40:45 up 202 days, 2:37, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.00 (that last one is my server.. I had to reboot to install some memory)
I’d like to see Windows do that. While doing updates. Which of course, require an “automatic restart” :) One of the Windows servers I have setup rebooted last on December 15. Anyone else have any uptimes to share?