My father has officially hit the road to start working more seriously on his North Carolina house. He pulled his RV out of my yard yesterday and hit the road. It was really redneck town around here for a while with him living in his RV in my yard. Once the house is built, the rest of my family will be leaving for NC. I will be the only Greb left in Florida. Everyone asks me if I am going to move also. No. I am staying. I have a lot invested here with my business and my friends. And I think I am plenty old enough to be on my own. But I’ll visit them once every five years or something. Just kidding!
Anyway, now with my father gone, I can start cleaning up around my house. Here is my plan:
- Dress up around the edges of the driveway
- Build a carport in the front for my truck
- Put plants around the yard to make it look nicer
- Clean up all the crap left over by my father
- Edge around trees, and trim trees
- Repair the kitchen floor
- Change they layout of my living room
- Repaint the master bathroom
- Clean up my second bedroom for guest use
- Consider putting a shower in the half bath
- Paint/remove leftover wallpaper from the kitchen/dining room
- Get a new couch/living room set
- Clean up the walkway leading to the backyard
I plan on doing a few of these steps this weekend like trim trees and such. Of course, a lot of this will take money I don’t have, but we shall see what happens.