We’re Back!

WOW! I can’t believe my site has been done for three months now. I’ve been sooo busy all summer that I never had a chance to get everything back up. A lot has happened during those three months, such as:

  • Broke it off with Jessica
  • Dated Bethany for a couple months, then she broke it off with me
  • Went to New York City!
  • Got a FaceBook account
  • My parents have sold their house and are waiting for the closing
  • I am beginning to actually make use of my new office
  • And other things not worth mentioning…

Anyway, I will be back up and running with this site now, and need to post some pictures.

Missing Pix

Oh, and here is my old message that I was in the middle of writing. WordPress saved a copy of it while I was typing it… I love WordPress.

I think I have found the reason my pictures messed up. Because it happened again. I think it is my card reader. I have to get home to confirm this. If this is true, there is a slight chance that I can restore the pictures I lost yesterday. At the moment, I am sending the pictures from my phone via infrared. But sending 72 pictures, or 179MB, is not a quick process.

And this has been confirmed. I have all of my pictures back. It is a bad reader. It will get a bullet hole through it.

Server Problems

Sorry the blog was down. I had some problems with the server and had to do a few things to it to get it up again. Anyway, I hope to be posting pictures very soon. I was about to post the following picture before, and second before I hit the publish button, the server went down. So anyway, here it is. Aren’t I good looking? (Of course, the only one who will probably comment and say yes will be my mother.)

Ready to Go Home

I think I walked another 10 to 20 miles today. But this time, I did it with my backpack on my back. I don’t know how much it weighs, but it does include my laptop, so that is probably 10 lbs right there. I am thinking about 30 lbs by the time you include my camera. My shoulders are in a lot of pain, as are my feet. I got some gifts for select people.

So anyway, today, I saw the crooked street… again. I got pictures this time, and they better be there when I try to get them off. I also walked to the Golden Gate Bridge. I freaked out a homeless man, as I took the path along the highway, which I would not recommend to the weak at heart. I did not see a single person on it, and several times you have to go under a road, which is where homeless people and gangs probably hang out. I then proceeded to walk all the way to the BART, the subway, and take that to the airport. Yes, they go to the airport. I don’t know much about other subways, but I think that is ingenious. It makes sense to go all the way to the airport. I am now sitting in the airport (it took me a while to get through it, as I was walking VERY slowly). I am here about 4 to 5 hours early, but I am tired, and want to take a break. I’ll sit here and waste time on Slashdot, and look at Myspace, where no one ever talks to me or leaves comments in response to my comments. Not that a lot of people read this either.


I took 140 pictures today. 40 of them are gone. Just gone. I don’t understand it. I moved them off the card, but when they got onto the computer, they were corrupt. Not even a JPEG file. Just junk. I even tried a raw bit copy of the drive to hunt down the original files, but they were gone. Just multiple copies of the ones that I already have. So… GAAAAAAA. I now have to rewalk a good portion of my walk today (20+ miles). I had such shots as the crooked part of Lombard St and great shots of San Francisco from high up. I came down the high part, now I have to go back up it. While carrying a backpack. With a laptop in it. At least tomorrow I also plan on walking to the Golden Gate Bridge.

The Journey Begins

I am heading out now. My first stop is IHOP, which is supposedly right on the corner. Then I am heading over to Ritz camera to get some accessories to hopefully make me look less like a tourist, and more like a photographer just getting some good shots. This is why I am only carrying my one credit card and no cash also. And my phone is going in my pocket. I am thinking I need some headphones too to make me look like some local just listening to his iPod or something.

Bad Start

Well, the trip has started off bad so far. I hope it will be better tomorrow. Lowell was not at the airport when I got there and had already left. So I called him and asked where he was, and he told me I would have to take the BART and then a taxi to the hotel. I used a few select words, and he decided to come pick me up with his cousin. They dropped me off at the hotel and left me here. He is staying with his cousin tonight. The place feels like a roach motel.

Anyway, I am trying to figure out what I want to do tomorrow. I have been told to visit Pier 3. I’d also like to see the crooked street. I’d also like to see the Golden Gate Park. It looks like it is going to be a lot of walking. I’ll definitely sleep well, and get some good exercise. I’ll do it all without Lowell.

The San Francisco Treat

I am treating myself to a short vacation today. It is short (two and half days), but it is still a vacation. I need a break from work. I will still be answering my phone today and tomorrow. But on Saturday, I will not be answering work phone calls (unless they call like 5 times to tell me it’s an emergency). If you can’t tell from the title (duh), I am going to San Francisco. I’ve never been there. In fact, I am unsure if I have been in California or not. I went to Oregon once with someone, and drove along the coast, but I don’t remember where we stopped. I will be shooting a lot of pictures, hopefully with a memory card that works and doesn’t screw up my pictures. I have no idea what I am doing there, however, I have been told two places to visit, Chinatown, and a clam chowder shack (which doesn’t have the red clam chowder that I want). I’m really looking forward to just walking around and doing people-watching. Anyway, if there is anything you want me to bring back for you (I have already had a postcard request, so I may do that), let me know.

Oh, and I return Sunday morning. I have no idea how I am getting home. I’ll figure that out when I get there.