It’s My Birthday, and I’ll Cry If I Want To

Well, today is my birthday, and what am I doing? Working of course! I should be out sitting on the beach, but instead, I am replacing hard drives and setting up A/V equipment. Dell really needs to do something about their SATA drives. They are crap. This is the second one to die in the last month or two. It’s craziness. Someone should sue. Jessica ordered my present late, so I don’t know when I will get it. She said it is over $100, comes in multiple pieces, and next day shipping would have been over $100. So any clues? Matt knows what it is… but he probably won’t tell me. On the way back home for lunch, a power line had fallen down in the road on Ewell Rd. There was no zapping or anything, it seemed fully intact, I think it had just fallen off of the pole. My father had offered to take me out to lunch, but because I am working, I can not accept at this time. Maybe dinner instead. And last but not least, I want to create a walltop. Comlete with the possibilty for online users to upload their own pictures. I have plenty of old laptops to do it with. I will keep you updated with the results.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

3 thoughts to “It’s My Birthday, and I’ll Cry If I Want To”

  1. Jessica got me a kiss, and a black computer case with blue fans. I got myself a Olympus Stylus Verve 5.0MP camera.

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