Yo Ho Ho

Well, my birthday has passed. For my birthday, Jessica got me a new computer case complete with blue LED fans. It also has dials for temperature, fan speed, and volume. She got me a birthday cake, as seen below:

Yesterday, we went to Magic Kingdom at Disney World on two free passes from a hotel that I used to do work at that closed down earlier this month. She wan’t fairly excited. She said she felt bad for the starving children in other countries who could not enjoy Disney. We tooks lots of pictures and I plan on putting them online in a gallery sometime soon. Here is one:

I need to write a gallery in PHP that does everything for me, just upload, caption, and click Finish. I took them all with my sister’s Olympus Stylus Verve. It was such a nice camera, that I bought one for myself. Except, I got the 5MP version (as listed in the link above). It take great pictures, has excellent battery life, extrememly small and easy to use, and even does videos. Only two downfalls: no viewfinder (but the battery life heps overcome this), and it uses xD cards. Which I particularily don’t like, but can live with. Jessica worked out today on my mini-gym. She was so cute with her 10 pounds. Working those muscles. Well, anyway, I SHOULD be working instead of goofing off, so I guess I shall go find work to do. OH, and, Lowell said he was going to buy me dinner last night for my birthday, but I guess he forgot, and I spent my own money at Cheesecake Factory. Mmm… cheesecake…..


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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