Kernel Krunch, part of a complete OS

Its been a long weekend. I have spend it washing clothes, washing the floor, scrounging for food, building boxes, and compiling out the ying yang. I have two brand new Dell servers here for a client, yet, I can’t get Linux installed on them. I need a driver disk… well, after many many hours, I finally have one that works, and does what it supposed to, but in the end, I still have the same problem. It isn’t installed yet. Tomorrow I must get up early to bring Amber to school and clean up for the electricians at a job site. Then I have to go to Orlando. I want to go to Bike Week on Tuesday, but Jessica won’t get back to me if she wants to go because her sister is in town. I don’t think she really wants to go though, and I don’t want to go by myself. I feel so alone. And Wednesday, I am going to my first baseball game with Nathan. Should be interesting. The rest of the week… I dunno… more compiling I guess. Oh, and hanging up the 4 loads of laundry on my bedroom floor.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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