1 Hour Means 1 Hour

Why is it that I tell customers 1 hour to do a set amount of work, but they insist on making appoints where they have to leave 15 minutes later. I just drove all the way out to someones house. I said I would be there at 5:30. I was running late, and got there at 5:50. Traffic, phone calls, etc. Regardless, I told the guy 1 hour. I get there, he is not there. I did not have his phone number with me. Phone numbers don’t last long in my recent calls list. I finally got a hold of him through a neighbor. He had a prior engagement. Therefore, he left me with 20 minutes to do the work, had I arrived on time. That is not 1 hour. Now he wants me to go out tonight, at 8:00. By the time I get back home, I’d be leaving again. Anyway, I am not going out tonight. I have other things that I have to do. BAAA.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

One thought to “1 Hour Means 1 Hour”

  1. yup customers are stupid. i tell people they’re photos will be ready in an hour and they ask me if i can do it in 15 minutes, retards

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