Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It is a gorgeous day out today. The sun is shining, hardly a cloud in the sky. There is a cool breeze. I of course am spending it working. I have driven all of the county today doing various tasks. I am currently sitting in Lake Wales waiting on a customer to possibly set up a clubhouse with public computers. At least I can sit in peace with my XM Radio. I almost did not have it, however. Last night as I was driving, my XM Radio cut out. As soon as I got home, I called XM and started yelling at them for screwing up my billing. I sent them money, and they tried using it to pay a previous bill that I canceled a long time ago, claiming that I did not cancel it. I yelled at one lady for the longest time until I got a supervisor who corrected it. Jessica was mad at me for being “negative” and yelling at a lady who had nothing to do with the mistake. But that doesn’t matter. She is a representative of the company. “If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.”