Party in NO

Well, Jessica is flying up here to New Orleans. She should be here in about two hours. Here are my plans:

Sunday Night: Party on Bourbon St. Bring video camera to show wildness of the night (I’ll attempt to post some video at some point).
Monday Morning: Sleep.
Monday Afternoon: Drive around New Orleans and give Jessica a tour. Maybe do a little work.
Monday Evening: Take Jessica to Brennan’s.
Tuesday Morning: Jazz Brunch at Court of Two Sisters.
Tuesday Afternoon: Show Jessica off at work.
Tuesday Evening: Jessica flys (flies?) back to Lakeland, where she will miss me dearly.

So as long as it doesn’t rain, everything should go well.

You still use Hotmail??

If you still have an old Hotmail account lurking around (like me), and want to check it once and a while, but hate going to the site, here is Web-Mail. It is an extension for Mozilla Thunderbird, a great email client for your computer. It allows you to be able check Hotmail without ever actually visiting the website. This currently works for Hotmail, but if Microsoft changes the Hotmail site, it may break this extension until an update comes out. I have tested it with my old account, and it works great though. Now… what to use the Hotmail (this was my very first email address, before Microsoft bought and raped the service) account for… maybe signing up on shady sites?

Windows Must Die

I hate Windows. With a passion. The computer I am working on here in New Orleans decided to reboot in the night. Why? Because of automatic updates! Microsoft is protecting me! By rebooting two VM’s and closing a $20,000 program without thinking “Hey, he might have some unsaved changes.” Of course, you probably want to say, “Well, you should have saved your changes.” And I would reply, I didn’t feel like sitting here for several hours while it did an import of 100 videos. I do that stuff at night, so I don’t have to sit here an wait. I am now having to redo those imports. I also had the VM’s cracking at bad DVDs to get as much video as I could off of it. A process that usually takes 12 hours if you let it go. I now have to start that over. It was already about 6+ hours in. Windows must die.

Dreams Come True

I had a dream last night that part of the ring finger on my right hand was turning purple. It was as if part of it was dying. I called my mother in my dream to ask her to check it for me, but she said she was busy putting up a picture frame. In the meantime, the purple was getting bigger. I am not sitting here in New Orleans, and that particular finger is losing feeling and tingling as if the blood supply is being cut off. Was my dream trying to tell me something? Of course, I should mention that my fingers tingle from time to time, but this one is doing it much more than usual.

Fun with HP Chat Support

Here are some interesting excerpts from a recent “chat support” conversation with HP.

Sandra: .

Sandra: Okay, just for confirmation is the printer in the network wright now ?

Sandra: Sure, I am with you please perform them.

Sandra: Jason, let us try to resolve the issue.

Sandra: Jason, thanks for our time.

Sandra: Jason, it is very unfortunate to face this kind of issue.

Sandra: The HP products are always the best.

Sandra: Jason, are you with me (just for confirmation ) ?

Sandra: Enjoy the Christmas.

I don’t think her name was really Sandra.

Closed = Proprietery

I was just watching the local news here in New Orleans. This one clip they were doing, they were talking about BlackBerry phones and some new Blackjack phone. The reporter asked how the two were different. The guy showing the phones said that the BlackBerry ran a proprietery operating system. He implied that the Windows Mobile did not. Windows Mobile… Windows for that matter is still proprietery!! It just happens to make the development process a little easier.

Help! I’m Stuck!

Well, I thought I was gonna be stuck here at the hotel for a little bit as a firetruck was blocking my way out. I did here the fire alarm go off for about 5 seconds about 10 minutes ago (slow response apparently). I think it was a false alarm, but they came out anyway. I was standing in my window watching the fire trucks, and as one was leaving, they appeared to be waving to me. Maybe they thought I was a kid. But I am not dressed like a kid? (I was naked… just kidding!) Should I take all my stuff with me just in case???