Random Comment

I’ve been working on New Orleans stuff this morning. I am moving points around on a map. When the points are added to the map, they show where someone walked. But the list of points is put in some random order. I have this weird thing where I try to find patterns in things. So I started thinking about the way the points were lined up. I couldn’t see a pattern. It must be “random.” But then I started thing… I don’t believe in random. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be looking for patterns. I don’t believe “random” truly exists. It just looks random because the pattern is so big. So, to come to my point: my blog is called “Random Knowledge.” This is a contradiction of myself. I therefore am considering a name change. Does any one have any suggestions? Other than “Big Stank” of course (Amber…).

Nerd Fest

I have been helping Bobby move into his new place. I have re-plumbed his house, and helped him move furniture yesterday. Today, I have a couple things to finish up. Tonight however, is going to be a nerd-fest. Bobby is throwing a party to celebrate a couple of new shows coming on. There will be nerds from Anakin (I think spelled that right) wanna-bes to zoologists. They will mix all of them with beer. Should I fear it? I am a nerd myself (but the Star Trek kind, not the Star Wars, like everyone else there). And will anyone like my jalepeno chips?

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It is a gorgeous day out today. The sun is shining, hardly a cloud in the sky. There is a cool breeze. I of course am spending it working. I have driven all of the county today doing various tasks. I am currently sitting in Lake Wales waiting on a customer to possibly set up a clubhouse with public computers. At least I can sit in peace with my XM Radio. I almost did not have it, however. Last night as I was driving, my XM Radio cut out. As soon as I got home, I called XM and started yelling at them for screwing up my billing. I sent them money, and they tried using it to pay a previous bill that I canceled a long time ago, claiming that I did not cancel it. I yelled at one lady for the longest time until I got a supervisor who corrected it. Jessica was mad at me for being “negative” and yelling at a lady who had nothing to do with the mistake. But that doesn’t matter. She is a representative of the company. “If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.”

Coming Home

I finally come home tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of work right off the bat though. When I get in Monday afternoon, I have to fix Jessica’s “Internet,” because it is “broken.” I’ve gotta attempt to start cleaning my office and contemplate a second monitor to do remote stuff here (as I use a dual monitor setup here). I really need to get into the new office. Monday night may be a Guys Night. Then on Tuesday, the craziness starts. I have a bunch of people requesting my help, the biggest problem being a customer that has a virus on all of their computers (it was there prior to me working for them), and their software appears outdated. That will be a big cleaning job. Wow.. I am pretty boring when I talk. Are you still reading this?

More Pictures

I walked around for a little bit last night around Bourbon St. I saw quite a few interesting things. For example, in front of a strip club, this older guy had a huge smile on his face and was taking pictures of all the guys catching beads from the strippers on the balcony. He was very excited. I saw a girl on the verge of getting drunk that just had to have several pictures of herself posing in front of a fire truck. I did not see the fascination. I did not stay long though as my right foot was killing me from my shoes. I added three pictures to the end of the Photo Gallery. Check them out.


I have a problem. I have a local competitor. For the longest time, they sucked. Well, as of recently, they were bought out. The original owner has been fired, and the one competent person there has been put in charge of the store. The person who bought it currently runs a restaurant, but supposedly has a Computer Science degree. This is a problem. My competitor who previously sucked may be getting better. I must work harder now. I must advertise more. I am not sure how my YellowBook ad is coming along. Has any one received a YellowBook phone book yet?

On a positive note, I now have remote access to the computer I use here in New Orleans, so I will be home a lot more. The process is a little slower, but then I am not spending 20+ hours of travel time.

New Years Eve ’06

New Orleans GalleryJessica recently joined me in New Orleans for New Years. We had a good time here, other than the time that we almost got trampled to death by following a crowd. I’d like to state that following the crowd was NOT my idea, it was all hers. We also ate at some really expensive restaurants. It was quite good, and I’d do it again (except I’d order the food she got instead). I have posted the pictures of our time together in the Photo Gallery along with my commentary that Jessica usually doesn’t like. Be sure to check them out. I’ve also got video, which I would be glad to show you. I’ll consider putting some of it online, it just gets to be a big file, and can be time consuming.

I Control You

Being that some people just won’t go to hell, and that I hate captchas, I have been forced to moderate all comments. Certain spammers (whose computer is reading this right now) think that my readers (a whole 5 or 6 people) are interested in all sorts of things from cash advances to pet health insurance. So please don’t be surprised when your comment doesn’t show up after you place it. There is no need to try it several times.