Across the Vinyl

So last night, I watched Across the Universe with Danielle. I enjoyed the movie. It was kind of corny at times. But… it had Beatles music. I really didn’t like how they slowed down some of them, and screwed up my signing along. And Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was at the end. That one song reminds me of my childhood for some reason. I kept waiting and waiting for it and it finally appeared in the credits. All of this reminded me of my love of oldies. So, today I hooked up my record player. My mother was thinking of selling it at a yard sale at some point, so I swiped it, and rescued it from sitting in someones home (or garage) not getting used. I like my static-y music, with the pops and skips and non-digital goodness. Of course, the one song that is stuck in my mind from last night, Hey Jude, is not on any of the records that I have. Sigh. Yellow Submarine and Yesterday for me I guess. And one of my wireless customers at IMW is going to be selling records and new needles. So maybe I can get a good deal on some stuff.