I am writing this while Bobby drives at a high rate of speed to the DC for a server crash and while on hold with the DC. I would normally not be functioning this early.
So my phone is about dead. Keys not working, data loss, etc. I got an error message on it the other day that it was low on memory, so I did a soft reboot. I was sure it was just a memory leak in some program. My phone reboots, but does it oddly. And then I get it. The stylus setup screen. Then I get the Tips screen. Finally, I realize my phone did a hard reset all on it’s own. Yay… not. So I setup my Exchange account to get back my Contacts and stuff, no major worry… yet. I stopped into the Sprint store the other night to look at the Palm Centro. I’ve been slowly researching this phone, reading reviews and such. I ask the woman in there if she can let me play with one. I can live with it. It’s smaller and “cooler” which I am not really all about. Anyway, I tell her I will be back Monday or Tuesday to get the phone. As I am walking out, I remember that I want to get some more information about the Everything plan they have now. So I walk back in to ask, and the conversation kind of goes like this:
Me: Oh hey, do you have anything on the Everything plan? I like to read the fine print, I’m weird like that.
Girl: Yeah. I remember, you used to come down to the old store.
Me: Yeah, another guy helped me a few times there. I think his name was Jason.
Girl: You mean Jeff?
Me: Yeah, the gay one. Well, I think he was gay anyway.
Girl: Yeah, he was gay. He liked you.
Me: Yeah, I thought so.
So yeah. Gay guys like me. Jeff gave me free Sprint stuff before. I thought it was just an offer from Sprint, but apparently not. And I just now realized that I had my friend Lowell with me at the time, who is very “metrosexual” and may have thought we were a couple. I guess he was the girl, and I was the guy. I asked Danielle about it, and she said I am a bit “fem”. Not sure if that is a good thing though. A few years back, I was also hit on by some 40-something gay guy that told me if I ever convert, to let him know.
Anyway, I am going back tonight to get the phone. I am going to tell her to tell Jeff I said hi, since they still talk (he moved to Atlanta).
Oh, and server is back up. Just needed a power cycle. That networked APC is looking better all the time.