Another Shot???

I got drunk for the first time in my life last night. It was also the first time I tried shots. The party seemed to be an overall success. All of the people showed up except for Kenneth. People didn’t really eat a lot of food. I was hoping for potato salad, but Lowell never brought any. Oh, and my mother is a major flirt when she is drunk! Anyway, I’d love to do it again next year. And this hangover thing… all I feel is light headed. Maybe I didn’t get drunk enough?


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

6 thoughts to “Another Shot???”

  1. haha, fantastic party man I had a killer time! Hangovers are for the weak… I have been plenty drunk, plenty of times, and the worst I have ever had the next day was a semi-weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Happy New Years! Thanks for letting me come get wasted at your house and play with your fire and sing horrendous karaoke! :-)

  2. I wish I could have been there. I hope you took pictures so I can see. Hopefully I will be there next year. Tell mom to save some alcohol for me.

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