Good Idea?

Do you think this is a good idea?

I am doing this because I need to transfer my old IBM ThinkPad 30GB hard drive to my new 100GB hard drive. The other computer I was using didn’t support 100GB, so I needed to get a new motherboard, and this one wasn’t in a case. My laptop is also being upgraded to 1GB of RAM, and a fresh legal (sorta) install of Office 2003 Professional. I am no so enthralled on that last one, but for the project that I am doing for a company that is keeping me working every afternoon for this last week and next week requires (sorta) me to have it. I’ll boot into Linux when I get home.

Also, I am starting a new Photo Gallery : Things Not To Do When Wiring. Check it out. Caution: May induce vomitting.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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