Behind the Zaurus’ Back

Treo 700pI am thinking of cheating on my Zaurus. There is a new possible love in my gadget life. It is of course, the Treo 700p. I looked at one today at a Sprint store. I was quite impressed. It’s fast, the Blazer browser works well, including on Exchange OWA, it supposedly has Bluetooth dial-up capabilities with an extra $40 service on the plan. And Sprint’s free incoming plan is cheaper than Nextel’s. However, I had to resist at the store, as I am still dependent on my Nextel for the Creditel PowerSwipe. I asked if I could set my Nextel phone to a data-only plan, but they said no, so I promptly negotiated by walking out. I’ll get some other store to do it for me. Actually, I am talking to a Creditel person who will try and pull some strings for me. It will of course, set me back $400, plus whatever else they charge me for being a loyal Nextel subscriber for several years now (yeah, like they really care). I will also be paying $76+ dollars for a case from Piel Frama whom I have become a loyal user of, and a 2GB SD card. So what do you think? Should I get it? What ever would I do with my Zaurus? Will it collect dust? Or can I still get use out of it?


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

4 thoughts to “Behind the Zaurus’ Back”

  1. Yes, it is expensive. But I feel I need to spend it to work more efficiently. And I just got what I need to fix the Nextel/Creditel issue, so I should be all set to go for it tomorrow. Yay!

  2. I have it now. I really like the PDA functions. However, Sprint service at my house is non-existent for some reason. I am still checking into that.

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