Last night, Jessica commented on the sky being green, and asked me if I was an alien. I said yes, and proceeded to make some soft of slurping noise. She jumped and screamed. I laughed and did it again several seconds later. She screamed again. It was quite funny. I could go do it now while she is still sleeping, but she’d probably slap me in the face.
Also, I crave CiCi’s Pizza. I had a dream last night that I was at a restaurant, and they were selling a “table” (you know, trying to get a group to buy it for the night) that had all kinds of different pizza’s to try. Very similar to CiCi’s buffet table, but instead you sit at it. Well, Jessica won’t go with me, so is there any one that will? You know you want to.
Ok..the alien thing..Jessica is funny.
And CiCis? Thats nasty.
Uhh, did you delete my comment or did i not submit it?
Uuugggh CiCi's is nastay. I'll go somewhere else with you.
Leave her alone or I'll have to spank you.
Leave her alone or I'll have to spank you.
That's disturbing. Have you gone off your meds again?
Which part is disturbing, the alien noises, or the eating CiCi’s pizza?