Well Jessica is gone for a week touching up on her maternity skills. I have free reign of the house. I shall leave plates and glasses everywhere. No, not really. Actually, I’d like to clean up a little while she is gone. I must make a list of things to do.
Also, I am sad. My Mustang is gone. I finally sold it. It was so sad to see it roll away… with the top down. However, it will be in good hands I am sure. It is going to a 14 year old boy. His father bought it for him, and wants to fix it up with him. The boy looked all excited when he was driving away.
Oh man, what if Jessica likes this maternal thing.. like …alot?
Was the boy cute? Aren't you glad I helped you clean up?
The boy was driving away? Hes not old enough..
No, the boy did not drive away. The father did.
You would have probably thought he was cute, but I think he is a little young for you.