Rhode Island: In Pictures

Ok, I’ve uploaded some photos so far, so check them out. Today I have mostly just driven around and reminisced about everything. It’s amazing just how well I actually remember the streets. The only house I could not find so far was Tatnic Hill Rd. I found the road, and the area, but I think the driveway has a “Posted: Keep Out” sign, so I feared getting shot driving up it and did not enter. There are only two other houses that I can think of that I haven’t seen that my father has built (that I know of anyway). I also saw Mama and Dada and left some flowers.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

3 thoughts to “Rhode Island: In Pictures”

  1. Neat pictures, the trees and sky is so pretty. Kind of made me sad, some of them…alot of good memories. Keep them coming. By the way that is the house where you stood naked at the window.

  2. Man, why did we ever leave? I was thinking of that pizza place not too long ago and i was trying to remember the song that we used to sing when we were driving there.

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