Malibu Barbie

I had clam cakes and chowder tonight. It was delicious. It reminded me of Rocky Point. Sigh. I miss Rocky Point. On a different note, I am really starting to like the Chevy Malibu. It’s actually a nice car. It looks good. Excellent turning radius. Rides nice. Roomy. Of course, I would never buy one without some huge friggin’ warranty on it, cause I certainly wouldn’t want to work on it. Maybe I will get one when I start a family.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

5 thoughts to “Malibu Barbie”

  1. The house you were born in is on Oak street in Plainfield, Ct. Dad built 4 houses on Tatnic Hill road, three we lived in and one was built for a Jewish Doctor.

  2. What about the laundramat where you got that scar on your eye? Bet they still don’t have that cigarette machine dispenser that got ya.

  3. Hmm… well I don’t remember those… I guess I should have just taken a picture of Tatnic Hill Rd.

    Well, find me a nice girl to start a family with! :-p

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