So I am out in Tampa this morning (for a customer that is becoming increasingly annoying). By the way, this waking up early stuff…. it’s for the birds. Anyway, driving down Fletcher in the residential area, there was a sign: “Think Before You Throw” with a picture of a hand throwing trash. I don’t know about you, but this sign does nothing for me. It doesn’t tell me to not throw. It only tells me to think about it before I actually do it. So go ahead and do it, just make sure that you thought about. For example, think about how or where you are going to throw your trash. It’s very important to think about these things. /sarcasm (it’s a Slashdot thing). I think a better sign would be: “Litterers Will Be Shot” with the picture of a hand being blown off. This would do something for me. It’s a much better punishment than forcing us to “think”… I mean, who would want to do that in this day and age?
You’re really desperate for a nap buddy aren’t you? On Friends Ross and Joey took naps together. Maybe you should ask Bobby.