So Valentines Day is coming up soon, but I have no date for it. Of course, I am told that Valentines is only for couples, not for “dates”. Whatever. So if you’d like to put in an application to be my Valentine, let me know. You must be female (or a gay guy, cause women seem to be attracted to gay guys, and I could totally play the gay card and let women think they converted me). You must have a head on your shoulders, and like things simple. No fancy extravagances here. You must also have a degree of self-confidence and ambition in life. Nerdy librarians and dental hygienists are a plus. Festivities will commence on February 14, 2008 anywhere between 6pm and 12am (and later if things go well). Please submit your application no later than February 14, 2008 at 12:00pm. The winner(s) will be announced on Valentines Day afternoon. For more information on rules and regulations, please call me.
will you take some over ’40’?…
If no applications are put in by the 14th guess you’re just gonna have to go out with Meiko. Maybe if you stop trying, they will come. Though it’s not working out too well for me. So whatever. Sell my tickets.
Ok, I’m gonna have to start banning and deleting comments that mention WD-40. They are starting to look like spam. Hey! I see you typing it in dad! Be gone you solvent!
Maybe me and Meiko will have a little dinner at home. I’ll put a candle near her food bowl, and I’ll sit at my table with a candle. And put her bowls on a red cloth to make it all decorative.
Hi Jason, I miss you.
Awww… I miss you too.
I miss you too,Give Meiko hug for me.
ooh ooh i miss you too!
What about me?? I miss you the most!