So I was driving down South Florida Ave this morning, and once again, I saw the abortion protesters. They’ve been out there every day for a few weeks now I believe. But this one sign just got me thinking. It said “Adoption: The Loving Option”. Adoption. Are you kidding me? As if there are just millions of people looking to adopt children. It’s quite the other way around. Most people who adopt are doing so because they are unable to have children. How about signs such as “Adoption: Put your Child in the System” or “Adoption: Does ANYONE Want Him?” Now, I am not advocating that I am for abortion, nor am I against it. I am against protesters. I mean, do they really think that I give a [expletive deleted] about what they have to think? I feel like going out there an joining them, but holding signs that are against protesters.
Those people must not have jobs if all they do is hold signs all day. It’s the pregnant womans choice so all those protesters should go suck an egg. You should go protest against the protesters. Like “Protesters: Get a Real Job”.
I dare you…
lol Trisha, that’s funny.
Wouldn’t that make you a protester? Why not just honk and wave. You’ll feel good to be goofing on them and they will feel like their during good. Everyone wins! WOO HOO!
Sounds like Kevin Smith. He actually joined a group of protesters who were protesting his movie, Dogma… It was rather entertaining when the reporter covering the protest figured out that one of the protesters actually directed and wrote the movie.
I am not going to go into the abortion thing but I will say if you don’t like the protesters then maybe you should move to a country where freedom of speech is not a privilege and will get you killed. This country is all about having our own ideas, opinions, and religions.
freedom of speech in this country CAN and sometimes SHOULD get you killed in this country when someones ‘freedom of speech’ tears innocent peoples lives inside out….very sore spot with me and I’m not talking about the abortion issue
Don’t get Misty started!
Freedom of Speech is just that… Freedom of Speech. It’s not Freedom from the potential consequences of such speech.
Sorry, but this country has gone to hell. It’s not the same as when I was a child. It’ crazy, wild and down right dirty.
Danielle, I think you mean ‘don’t get me started’.
Bobby, I like how you put that, cool.
I was always taught…if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.
Young people today are just so damn arrogant with absolutely no respect for people older than them. Jason is one in a few that was brought up to respect and I believe he still has those values and gets called a nerd for it…I thank god he turned to to be a nerd and not a asshole because there isn’t to much room in between those two for people his age.
Just ask Geri, she’s almost 80 and can tell you how each generation has gotten worse and how she gets treated now as compared to how she treated 80 year olds when she was much younger.
As a nurse I enjoy taking care of the geriatric population that pee and poop in their pants and appreciate help than the 20 somethings that are always trying to get something for nothing and think that the world owes them.
Damn right Mom.
Don’t get Mom started! I agree that Jason is one in a million, you did a great job and their is definitely a respect “gap” from generation to generation. But there are also big changes because kids these days don’t take what they are given at face value, but back to freedom of speech…
I met a man on a plane back from New York. He had several kids, the last of which was adopted. He told me that he and his wife were pro-life and decided to put their money where their mouths were and actually adopt one of these children that would have otherwise been aborted or put into the system. I respected that man for following through with his principles.
My problem with most protesters about anything is they are happy to march, protest, write letters or chastise others for their actions but they do nothing to back up their actions. The pro-life protesters, they stand in front of clinics and go home at the end of the day, how many of them take in one of the pregnant women they convince to rescind on their decision and feed her, take care of her, pay her bills and then take he child in, love it, care for it etc….
Even when children are put in the system, many times they are given the bare minimum as far as material and survival tools, but they are not given some of the basic things that are fundamental for us in our society today, love, education, communication skills. Don’t kid yourself for a second, even in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (and that’s pretty basic) there are several psychological things a human being needs in order to fit in this society.
I do not will not give condemnation to anyone pro-life or pro-choice for their beliefs, but my respect is earned through action, and lip service is just cheap.
Jesus Jason, way to start a debate.
There are three topics that love to comment on. Guns, abortion and gays. Were Waiting!!! Maybe you could bring up “RENT”.
Looks like Im the only one that didnt comment…