5 Year Dinner

Well, as proposed by Bobby, the 5 Year anniversary will be more simply celebrated (and those of you who know me, know I am a fan of simplicity). So here is how the night will go down:

7:30: Limo picks me up
7:45: Limo picks up Bobby and Brittani
8:00: Limo picks up Danielle
8:10: We head to Tampa for Berns Steak House
8:50: Arrive at Berns Steak House
9:00: Dinner at Berns Steak House
10:00: Night is open to… whatever happens!

Edit: Had to update some times… dinner is at 9:00 instead of 8:30.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

2 thoughts to “5 Year Dinner”

  1. Hey Jay, me and dad will be at your house Monday to get some things ready to pack…won’t you be there…Monday morning? I miss ya.

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