So I got my Palm Centro. The phone feels “sleeker”… I feel “cooler” using it. It is however, smaller. So I might be more prone to dropping it. Also, the screen seems like it might be crooked, and I am not sure if it is going to drive me nuts or not. We shall see…
Anyway, when I get a new device like this, I get interested in looking for programs for it. There are thousands upon thousands of Palm applications out there. One in particular I would like to find is an RSS reader. Unfortunately, they are all “ad-supported”. I’ve been thinking of writing applications for the Palm for a while now. I’m going to start looking into it. I don’t think it is incredibly hard. So here are a few ideas:
- RSS Reader
- Product Lookup Tool for my business
- Various calculators
Well, I want to do more than that, but I can’t think at the moment. Of course, the first two will involve something I have not messed with personally yet… XML. I guess I should actually crack a book (as I have several XML books) and learn something related to that. Once I get the project started, I’m going to start a section on my website for programming projects.
And I know some will probably say that Palm is going away, etc., but just because Palm might be leaning another way (Linux, which wouldn’t be a bad thing), doesn’t mean PRCs won’t continue to work, and that many thousands of people will still be using Palm for many years to come.
I didn’t understand alot of that but are you going to sell the applications to Palm and become a millionaire? Cause if you do can I borrow some money for a new car? Thanks.
I too didn’t understand anything that you said up there. But I want to be rich too.
WOW Jason.. Makes me proud I have a clever grandson. Keep it going. but don’t forget Amber. she will need your help. Love you Trish.
Yeah, I thought you were allergic to programming?