Palm Centro

So I got my Palm Centro. The phone feels “sleeker”… I feel “cooler” using it. It is however, smaller. So I might be more prone to dropping it. Also, the screen seems like it might be crooked, and I am not sure if it is going to drive me nuts or not. We shall see…

Anyway, when I get a new device like this, I get interested in looking for programs for it. There are thousands upon thousands of Palm applications out there. One in particular I would like to find is an RSS reader. Unfortunately, they are all “ad-supported”. I’ve been thinking of writing applications for the Palm for a while now. I’m going to start looking into it. I don’t think it is incredibly hard. So here are a few ideas:

  • RSS Reader
  • Product Lookup Tool for my business
  • Various calculators

Well, I want to do more than that, but I can’t think at the moment. Of course, the first two will involve something I have not messed with personally yet… XML. I guess I should actually crack a book (as I have several XML books) and learn something related to that. Once I get the project started, I’m going to start a section on my website for programming projects.

And I know some will probably say that Palm is going away, etc., but just because Palm might be leaning another way (Linux, which wouldn’t be a bad thing), doesn’t mean PRCs won’t continue to work, and that many thousands of people will still be using Palm for many years to come.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

4 thoughts to “Palm Centro”

  1. I didn’t understand alot of that but are you going to sell the applications to Palm and become a millionaire? Cause if you do can I borrow some money for a new car? Thanks.

  2. I too didn’t understand anything that you said up there. But I want to be rich too.

  3. WOW Jason.. Makes me proud I have a clever grandson. Keep it going. but don’t forget Amber. she will need your help. Love you Trish.

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