So I finally got the knife from my sister! And oh my, it’s ******* awesome!! I love the small open action, and I can flick it with my finger, so it’s practically a switchblade. It has a 4 inch blade, and two hooks on it. This serves several purposes: easy to open by just using your index finger, a sturdy place to grab and pull out from wherever you are hiding it, and I suppose if you actually had to use it for defense, to keep it from going in too far. But regardless, it is one awesome knife. Thank you Trisha!! I love you!
Of course, now all I need is my carry permit. I called yesterday, and it’s still going through the processing phases. I have to call the 15th if I don’t have it by then, and they can give me a more definite “where is it”.
You have to have a permit to carry a knife?? WTF? That is retarded. Oh and you are very much welcome for the knife, I am glad that you like it. Love you too.