In the news…

For the past couple of weeks, Bobby has been dealing with someone over at Robobak, a product that we use for remote backup solutions. This particular person created a press release, and mentioned us in it. You can read the article that mentions ElectroNerdz. This has also forced me to start redesigning the ElectroNerdz website, since the old design was, well, old. Four to six years I believe. The current design has been done in just over three hours from scratch. The verbiage and the actual context are still being tweaked.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

9 thoughts to “In the news…”

  1. Sorry I couldn’t read that article it was incredibly boring but can I get the offsite data protection for as little as six dollars per month?? But I think your website needs to take up the whole page cause it’s kinda boring looking.

  2. Yeah, all I read was blah blah blah Electronerdz blah blah blah. But woo hoo for you and publicity.

  3. I think you should add more to your current design. Nice article whoop whoop. Wheres my mac photoshop?

  4. Bobby knows the time-honored art of producing good sound bites for the media. More may come of this, yet. Mark my words.

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