Exercise Bike

I am going biking tomorrow and Sunday between 12 and 4. Care to join me? You may have to bring your own bike.

Also, Jessica appears to have disapeared for the night without saying goodbye. She may be at the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Computer Cases

There aren’t many good computer cases out there, here is an example of one:

This case mounts the hard drives from the side, so you can easily slide them in and out. However, there was obviously no quality control, as one of the SATA power connectors can not reach the first hard drive. The picture shows as far as it will go. Just so you know, I did not purchase nor recommend this case. I was just putting it together.

Also, Dell apperantly uses Asus cases for the GX620 small form factor:

Lights. Cameras. Action!

I finally got my camcorder. I really like it. It’s lightweight, and easy to use. I haven’t used it much yet, but hopefully will soon. I also played with iMovie just a bit, and that makes it really simple to work on video. You can do all kinds of things to the video. Being that it is an older Mac, it takes quite a bit of time to process a video and export a file, but I’ve got patience. One day when I get my MacBook Pro, I won’t have to work about that as much.

Circuit City Sucks

I need a shirt that says Circuit City Sucks on the front and Boycott Circuit City on the back. My camcorder now probably isn’t coming till Tuesday afternoon now. Circuit City’s system doesn’t order extra’s since the special order from Friday must have been some elses. If the camcorder isn’t there Tuesday, I am getting my money back.

Boycott Update

So I bought this camcorder at Circuit City last night. They had none in stock, so they special ordered one, and told me that it would be in the next day (Friday). I called this morning and they said that there was one possibly still in the back that had not been unpacked from the truck yet that was for a special order. So I went in this afternoon. The woman asked me “Did someone tell you we had it?” Now it isn’t coming in till Monday (I guess the trucks don’t come on the weekends). I was furious and walked out. On my way out, I gave the automatic door a little push because it wasn’t opening fast enough for my current rate of walking speed. It came unhinged and swung open (it was the kind that say “Push open in emergency”). I just kept walking. Once I get the camera, Circuit City is joining my current boycott list. I don’t have much left in the way of personal electronics (as I have boycotted Best Buy). Anyone care to join me?


I don’t like “sports” in the competitional sense. Keeping score is absurd to me. It should actually be about going out and getting the exercise. However, this is getting a little out of control. Banning tag? First of all, I would think schools would want this just to help the kids expel some of that extra energy. The other night, I was at Wal-Mart and I noticed a mom with four kids walking around. Each one of them had one of those two foot long and 1/2″ thick pixie sticks. The ones made out of plastic, not paper. It was 8:30 at night. You don’t give your kids a gigantic stick of sugar that late at night. Now they will have to go out and play tag, but they might get hurt doing it, so maybe they shouldn’t. Why does America insist on breeding wimps?

Party Time

Well Jessica is gone for a week touching up on her maternity skills. I have free reign of the house. I shall leave plates and glasses everywhere. No, not really. Actually, I’d like to clean up a little while she is gone. I must make a list of things to do.

Also, I am sad. My Mustang is gone. I finally sold it. It was so sad to see it roll away… with the top down. However, it will be in good hands I am sure. It is going to a 14 year old boy. His father bought it for him, and wants to fix it up with him. The boy looked all excited when he was driving away.

Little Green Men

Last night, Jessica commented on the sky being green, and asked me if I was an alien. I said yes, and proceeded to make some soft of slurping noise. She jumped and screamed. I laughed and did it again several seconds later. She screamed again. It was quite funny. I could go do it now while she is still sleeping, but she’d probably slap me in the face.

Also, I crave CiCi’s Pizza. I had a dream last night that I was at a restaurant, and they were selling a “table” (you know, trying to get a group to buy it for the night) that had all kinds of different pizza’s to try. Very similar to CiCi’s buffet table, but instead you sit at it. Well, Jessica won’t go with me, so is there any one that will? You know you want to.