Here, you need this $2000 network cable

I worked up a server on last night. It was a low-end server, just meant for file storage and backup. Nothing special. It worked out to just over $2600. I emailed it off to my rep at Dell. I got the quote back this morning at $3000. So I tweaked it a little bit, took some things off, changed the tape drive. Worked out to about $2500 or so. I emailed it again explaning that the last quote was more expensive than online, and that I was trying to keep the price lower than $3000. I got the quote back again… at $3000. Here:

I’ve upgraded the server to a PowerEdge 830.

The SC servers stand for Simple Computing and are just not as good as the 8th or 9th Generation servers.

I’ve also put in a RAID 5 with 3 drives so you have redundancy and speed.

Let me know if you need a UPS.

I think this is a much better option. Let me know what you think!

Obviously, I am not going to honor that with a reply. I know what is better and what isn’t. My customer however does not. They only know one thing: $. I think I will be going with IBM for my future commodity servers, as they offered me a server for $2200.

Update: Bobby has shown me some nice Sun servers. However, they are only available in rack version…. but they sure are pretty!

Waiting Time

Conversation with Wards A/C:

Me: Can I get an idea of when my appointment is for today?
Wards: Right before, or right after lunch.

I guess that basically means the whole day. Because, it is before lunch right now, and it will soon be after lunch.

Free Art!

Set art free! No, actually, it is a free painting. A friend of mine, Samuel Romero, doesn’t need the painting below anymore. If you’d like to have it, please let me know. It’s about 4 feet wide, 2 feet tall, foam board. No frame.

Need a Harley

I really need a Harley. Wanna donate to my cause? Jessica is most likely going to Tallahassee for school, and for me to visit her, its going to be expensive in my truck. And my car… don’t know if that will make it back and forth several times. But on a Harley, I’ll get very good mileage, so it’s cheaper. So please donate to my Harley Fund.

Don’t Drink Too Much Wine

If you drink too much wine, you might just spill it in your laptop. I can speak from experience, because I know someone that did this to his 6 month old Dell Inspiron laptop. Well, I took it all apart and cleaned it out. Got the wine out, and dunked the keyboard in boiling water. Well, I turned it on to try it… Internal HDD error. So I took it out of its cage and checked it out. All of the unused solder points were filled with wine. So I plugged it in to my computer. Won’t even spin up. There are also burn marks on the paper in the cage. Maybe if he didn’t turn it on earlier, it wouldn’t have burned up. So, yeah… it’s shot. And I seriously don’t think Dell will cover it. Also, props to Dell for building a laptop that comes apart easily without having to break plastic snaps.


Just because Matt is so special, I made a video for him. It can be his birthday present.

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Matt’s Birthday Party Video – 8MB (XviD, MP3)

This video will also require the XviD codec, download it here for both Mac and Windows. Of course, if you have Linux, well, then it already works!

Magic Death Indians playing with Reservoir Dog/Cat Cowboys

One word: Costume Party. Ok, that was two, but anyway, last night was crazy. We arrived to Matt’s birthday party around 9:30. He was already drunk, Karrah was on her way. They continued to do several shots, and before you knew it, Matt was telling everyone how great they were. And Karrah was constantly falling down and hitting her head and crying for a minute. Quite a few people showed up, some for only a short time. A few highlights:

  • I wore chaps
  • Matt proposed to Karrah
  • Matt has lots of porn on his computer
  • Karrah thinks she can rhumba while drunk
  • The wet seat
  • Jessica almost getting maimed by a firework
  • Karrah drank too much and… well.. you know
  • Matt and Karrah in the bathroom… no, you’re too young
  • Matt and Karrah trying to sleep

And last but not least, me getting a phone call from Matt at 5:00am asking us to go to IHOP. I don’t want to know.

Anyway, check out the pictures here.