So I was sitting in TGI Fridays yesterday eating lunch with a friend. Behind me, I hear some yelling and turn around to see a woman jump a waitress. A fight ensued, and several people stopped the fight. I payed it no attention, as I deem this to be childish. Well, they take the waitress to the other side of the restaurant, and leave the other girl. That girl starts walking around and slams her hand into things thereby throwing them. She keeps yelling that she wants the “troll,” whatever that meant. I am thinking “Patrol” as in the police. She then leaves the restaurant. We then conclude are lunch and leave shortly thereafter. While standing outside near our vehicles, the same girl who jumped the waitress pulls up near us (blocking our way out of course), and gets out of her vehicle. Of course, I ignored this too for the moment. But then I hear another voice from her vehicle yell out “Oh my God! She’s keying her truck!” This got my attention. I look over and about 8 parking spaces over, she’s leaning over keying a truck. I react by quickly pulling out my camera which I have gotten into the habit of keeping on my belt. I shoot a couple of pictures of her in the act, and a couple of her license plate. The girl never notices, and she gets back in her vehicle and pulls up to the front of the restaurant. This is when the first police officer arrives. They start talking, and do whatever they normally do. Meanwhile, my friend has left and I stick around for a minute. When the police officer has her back into a parking space, I walk up to the front of the restaurant where a second officer is questioning people inside. I ask the manager, “Who owns the white truck, because I have a picture of that girl keying it.” I show the police officer the picture, and he asks if he can borrow it for a minute, and walks to the see the other officer. He comes back with the camera several minutes later, while the girl is arrested and taken away. For my efforts, I get a free meal the next time I go to TGI Fridays. Anyway, here is a picture:
Another Shot???
I got drunk for the first time in my life last night. It was also the first time I tried shots. The party seemed to be an overall success. All of the people showed up except for Kenneth. People didn’t really eat a lot of food. I was hoping for potato salad, but Lowell never brought any. Oh, and my mother is a major flirt when she is drunk! Anyway, I’d love to do it again next year. And this hangover thing… all I feel is light headed. Maybe I didn’t get drunk enough?
New Years Party
Well, as some of you know, Jessica and I are hosting a New Years Eve party. You are welcome to come. There will be food, drinks, liquor, some sort of games, a fire, and more liquor. My mother, the recent alcoholic, will be mixing drinks, then mixing drinks for herself. Matthew is supposed to be organizing the party, but I’ve seen hide nor hair of him. And Lowell is supposedly bringing lots of meat, and champagne. So, please bring yourself. Bring your own beer and/or food if you’d like, and have fun! Festivities start between 7:00 and 8:00.
McAfee = Awful Program
I officially hate McAfee. When you order a new Dell, it comes preinstalled with McAfee Security Center. Well, of course, I never cared for McAfee and prefer to set up home computers with AVG GriSoft Free. Well, when you go to uninstall McAfee, you hit Remove like you normally would. But you hit one snag: it says the virus scan is currently running, and to close it before you go any further. So you think, right-click the icon on the task bar and click Exit. This doesn’t do it. You must disable the services, reboot, kill off a few programs, Exit the Security Center, then do an uninstall. But of course, if you accidentally start the Privacy Service install, and then kill it in the middle like me, prepare for lots of fun! Because when you uninstall, you will get an error, and it will never uninstall. Instead, you must spend much time search the registry for “mcafee” and removing all instances of McAfee. It’s lots of fun!
Christmas is here!
Chris Wilson is back in jail. His lawyers got him back in jail just in time for Christmas. Chris, don’t tell the judge that he is blind. That doesn’t make him happy.
Christmas is here for me too. I got myself a 20″ flat panel display from Dell. I am discovering all kinds of things about it. First off, it is 20″ like I said. It has DVI, DSUB, S-Video and Composite inputs. It has an adjustable height. Two side USB ports, and two underneath. And this morning, I just discovered that it will tilt 90 degress, so you can change the orientation. Of course, that probably only works in Windows for it to change the desktop automatically. I’ve also got a 5 year warranty.
I’ve got several presents under the tree, and quite a few more to come in the next few days.
I was perusing my pictures to see how they looked on my monitor, and I found this nice one of Jess:
She wears my shirts… why don’t you? I do need to update my CafePress though. Tricks
I think is playing tricks on people. I had ordered something, and they said that it would be here before Christmas with Super-Saver Shipping. So I picked it. Well, I get an email a few days later telling me the order is delayed and will NOT arrive before Christmas. The shipping estimate was December 19. (This is the ship date, not delivery date). Well, I went back and changed shipping to two-day to speed it up. Now the shipping estimate is today, December 16. I think they just did that so I would change the shipping and pay more. I am not liking Amazon right now.
What I Want for Christmas
So many people keep asking me what I want for Christmas, so I have created a page with a list of options. I’ll add to it as I think of new things.
Bad Software
Obviously the programmers at Intuit know nothing about network security.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with Step 4 of the ProSeries 2005 Network Installation Guide?
And I haven’t used Novell in quite a while, but I don’t think “access control” was a good thing to give out.
Intuit is telling me that there is no other way around this. So I guess they want to get complaints that peoples networks went down after making everyone an administrator.
I just now mentioned Linux & Samba to the customer service guy. I don’t think he knows what that is… and of course they don’t support it.
If you’d like to complain, call up Intuit and let them know that Network Security is an important issue.
Because Dell likes the fact that I have spent over $50,000 with them, I seem to now have a $5,000 credit line with them. Anyone need a Dell computer?