Never Leave Home Without It

I have finally done. I now have an American Express card. I don’t know why, but I have always wanted one. Well, now I finally have it.

In other news, I will be able to cut my logo out on vinyl and put it on my truck. I just need to find some UV resistant vinyl so it doesn’t start peeling like the stuff I have now.

Now I must go do a bunch of wiring today. And eat breakfast :)

Getting Ready for Class

I am sitting here in my living room getting ready for class. I am dreading it. I didn’t get to go last week as I would out of town, so I am completely in the dark about what will be going on. And the book is useless. It’s like reading in a different language. And they ask you questions at the end that they never covered in the section. It’s absurd! Anyway, Jessica should be getting home any moment, as I want to get to school a few minutes early. Professor Joyce emailed me and asked if I knew PHP, and I am not sure why. Maybe he wants me to teach a class :), or write a website for him. But alas, he has probably already left, so instead I will try to read arabic.

And by the way, Meiko is trying to help me type this. She like the cursor. Because it moves. So she tries to play with it.

Meiko on the Prowl

Well, Meiko’s first time outside on a leash was not a success. First off, it was quite the experience just trying to get her harness on. Once she got it on, and I gave a little tug… it just turned into a drag. I finally got her outside, and it was like she had to learn how to walk all over again. Tripping and everything. She chased after a few bugs, ran around a little bit. I put her onto concrete, and could not get her to walk with me. I will have to keep trying I guess.

I had to change the fuel filter, the plugs and the plug wires in my truck. It was running crappy, but now, it’s like a new truck!

I also have a scrape on my hand that is in the shape of a heart. I told Jessica it was for her, but she didn’t like it :(

Meese for Meiko

I am sorry Amber, but Meiko has discovered the moose. She loves it. She throws it around like a hacky sack. I think that is spelled wrong…

Also, I took Meiko to the vet the other day. She did not enjoy having things jammed up her butt, and also did not enjoy the box she was in, as can be seen below:

I also had to defrost my A/C today. It was low on Freon, so the coil froze up into a solid block of ice, and it stopped blowing. I’ve never seen an A/C do that. But I got more Freon in it now, and its running much more efficiantly now. Now I just have to climb under there and change out all the duct work out to make it even better, as I believe there are all kinds of leaks in it.

Also, Nathan has a new girlfriend now. I think they are pretty serious, because she is from Frostproof, but they still see each other 4 to 5 times a week. He just moved into his new house too.

Fox Doesn’t Like You

If you don’t want to complain about the government about their “response” to Hurricane Katrina, then they don’t want to talk to you. I was just watching this reporter on Fox News, and he was talking to someone in Pass Christian, MI. Her house had been washed down the street. Bascially, the street was destroyed. But she was fine, she wasn’t distraught. She was just going to rebuild. Then the reporter asked if she was upset with the government’s response. She said no, and said something about just trying to get back in. The reportered said “Thank you Beveryly, your spirit is uplifting.” after he started walking away from her. He didn’t want to hear “No.”


I’ve FINALLY got Ubuntu Hoary installed on my laptop. Things work so much better. I think I’ve also figured out what I am going to do with syncing my Contacts and Calendar back and forth. I will be using WebCAL and LDAP since MultiSync is currently a joke. However, this still leaves out my Zaurus. Hopefully I can find a solution for that also.

Well, Meiko is crazy. Well, kinda. She loves to run all over the place. She also likes to knead my stomach. But she is no longer sick other than the occasional sneeze. You can see her here eating:

I’ve also had a good fire going since yesterday. Cleaning up the yard a bit. Maybe I can sell it sometime soon and get a bigger house :)

Oh wait, it is oriental.

Well, me and Jessica are parents now. We are the proud parents of a baby kitten. (Yes, she was cheating on me with a male cat.) Her name is Meiko. The lady at the SPCA says Siamese cats usually get oriental names, and as it turns out, it is!

She currently has a cold, but she is recovering. She doesn’t take her medicine sometimes and spits it all over the place.