Ok, I’ve uploaded some photos so far, so check them out. Today I have mostly just driven around and reminisced about everything. It’s amazing just how well I actually remember the streets. The only house I could not find so far was Tatnic Hill Rd. I found the road, and the area, but I think the driveway has a “Posted: Keep Out” sign, so I feared getting shot driving up it and did not enter. There are only two other houses that I can think of that I haven’t seen that my father has built (that I know of anyway). I also saw Mama and Dada and left some flowers.
Rhode Island: Arrival
Well, I made it to Providence. Of course, getting the airport, I learned that Amber, who was driving me there, only had 3 hours of sleep. I had a connection in Philadelphia where I switched a smaller “Express” plane. I was thinking it would be more uncomfortable, but amazingly, it was much more comfortable. I finally landed at PVD. I noticed something that I have never seen in an airport. Recycle bins. Why can’t larger airports have these? Anyway, I got to the rental car location. Hertz wanted $55 a day, so I said I’ll try the next people over. I found a Malibu for a $35 a day. Much more reasonable. The woman who rented me the car asked what I was in town for, and I said “To see my grandmother.” She said I was such a good son (I think she meant grandson). And funnily enough, both her, and the guy who drove the shuttlebus knew of Lakeland and had been there.
When I finally got on the road I started heading towards Route 6. I of course missed the exit. There is a 6A, 6B, and a 6C. Well, they are all off of the highway, so you have to pull off, pick your exit along the way, then you can finally get back on at the end. Well, the first sign did not explain this with a “Exit 6ABC”. It was just “Exit 6” and by the time I found out, it was too late. So I had to go to the next exit and come back. Around this same time is when I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that a car behind me had just spun out and was in the middle of the highway with its hood wide open in the air.
Driving down Route 6 I started recognizing things. It is amazing to me how I can have all of these memories of these places along the road, yet I’ve never been to them. I just remember seeing them.
When I arrived at my grandmothers, sitting on the stove was a pot of beef stew. It’s like she read my mind. We’ve mapped out a lot of the place I want to visit while I am here so I can reminisce (or find out that they’ve changed it and destroyed my childhood memories).
While I am here, I will be on my aircard, which has no EVDO (I’m in the boonies of Rhode Island), so I will be at dialup speeds. It will be tough not feeling so connected. But I’ll pull through. Maybe it will be good for me and get me off of this damn computer.
Anyway, I miss Meiko. Please go visit her. She needs the attention. She’ll love you forever.
Meiko: Javanese Ninja
Yes, you read that right. Javanese, not Japanese. Someone on Myspace has alerted me to the fact that Meiko is a Javanese cat. She DOES get depressed when I leave. She IS overweight. She DOES talk, and I talk back, and she talks back… It explains almost everything about her! Except for the shedding. She does shed a lot. I’m am just blown away by this. She’s my little Javanese.
As the Ice Melts
Well, it seems that the weather is finally warming up. So I have closed the windows and turned on the A/C in preparation for the warmer weather. On top of that, I dropped half of my bagel this morning. It was a sad event. I mourned for a while.
Hot Juicy Juice
“You know what grinds my gears?” Juicy Juice. The stuff tastes great, don’t get me wrong. But why is it that every time I drink it, it just feels warm? I mean, it’s been in the fridge, it feels cold, but once it gets in my mouth, it’s no longer cold. Who else feels this way? I think we should protest at the Juicy Juice headquarters.
Just a little lower
I am having back pain yet again. Lower back pain. I get it every once and a while. At least it is not the type of pain where I have to lay down with something under my back to stretch it out. I probably hurt it last night working out a bit though. I tried some other way of lifting weights, and it didn’t feel too good on my back. To make it even worse, I am thinking of going bike riding. I was also hitting the punching bag last night (I have a feeling I need to be practicing…), and my hands were going numb. I really really need to start wearing the wrist braces that I have more often. I fear these are signs that I am developing carpel tunnel syndrome. Bobby has also told me about an audiologist. He is getting me their info. I’d like to get a screening so I can see if I actually do have hearing issues, or if it’s all just in my head. Well, technically, hearing would be in my head. But you know what I mean.
On a different note, I am supposedly getting a laser for my Glock. My brother-in-law’s father has connections, and since I am “family”, he’s gonna hook me up. We all need to go shooting sometime.
New Kids on the Block
So a few things going on in my life…
I am sitting here in my house, and my new neighbors up front must be having a party. There is all kinds of screaming and what not. It’s actually kind of nice to hear so much use out of the house and yard. We never used it that much.
So Bryant is leaving for the army. Today is his last day until Christmas where he will have a little time off, then who knows. He will be missed, but plans must be made for while he is in town. Please pray for his safety.
I’ve been wanting to ask this one gorgeous girl out for a while, but I thought she was not interested in dating me, but I recently learned that was not true. We were supposed to go out this last Friday, but her grandmother is about to pass away, and therefore she has been spending time with her family. Hopefully we will go out next weekend.
I’ve finally begun the transformation of my house. I’ve got the extra bedroom almost cleared out. Next is to rearrange the living room, then once I have my money from my house loan that needed redoing because of a balloon, I will redo the kitchen and bathroom. I’m not getting much more, but I hope to stretch it out as much as possible and get a lot done around here. Help me to know blow it :)
Well, I am off to attempt to be productive (and possibly interrupt the party next door a little) with some cutting up of shelves for my office.
The Lips
So I went to Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight! It was a blast. I have decided that next year, I will dress up as Dr. Frank-n-Furter. That is, if I can find a corset and all that will fit me well. And I have to learn to walk in heels. I have a lot of pictures, however, most of them are just women in lingerie :)
Did I scare you?? Well, I may not have scared you, but I certainly scared the $^%# out of one of my customers tonight. I showed up at the back door, and I guess you can’t see out the door from the inside without the lights on, and I was just a dark figure at the back door. The black shirt didn’t help. I’ve never seen someone so scared before. I felt so bad. Well, I must go now and make dinner, and spend my Halloween watching Bionic Woman… mmm.. Michelle.. I mean, mmm, dinner… or do I?
Update: WHAT!?! BIONIC WOMAN ISN’T ON TONIGHT!?! Some magic show. Blah. I want to see Michelle Ryan!!