Well, I got to have a lazy weekend. I went to Marcus’ birthday party where Veronica stuffed the “boob” cake into his face (which I got pictures of). I had to explain to several people who Malcolm Reynolds was, but some people knew who I was as soon as I said “Have you ever seen the movie Serenity?” One guy was blown away at how well I was dressed up to look like him. On Sunday I went to South Beach. I laid out in the sun for a while. However, when I went in the water, the lifegaurd called me (and some other people) back. Apparently, being waist deep is too deep. Walked around on the beach and checked out the topless women. ;-) Then I got back on the road. The trip back was a lot quicker. Now, it is back to work.
Geekin’ it Up
So for the past two or three weeks, my friend Marcus’ girlfriend has been planning on having me come down to Miami for Marcus’ surprise birthday party (which he already knows about). However, he did not know that I had come down. So of course, we are spending the day geeking it up talking about technology and stuff. I think we bored his girlfriend, Veronica. Anyway, I am not sure that I will have any pictures or not, but I may take one of me in my costume. The costume I forgot to take a picture of during my birthday party, Malcolm Reynolds of Firefly.
So I went out to the range today with Bryant and Todd. It was fun. Especially if you look at the targets below. I am the one on the right. Bryant is on the left. I was using his gun. I don’t think he was happy.
I look fat in that last picture. Why doesn’t someone tell me these things? (Of course, I will get several comments now that say “You’re fat.”)
Check Writing
When did you learn to write a check? I think I learned back in middle school… in school. I was just sitting here at a customers, when someone asked how they fill out a check. This person looked to be about in high school. I would think they would know how to fill out a check. I mean, you are almost ready to start life, and you don’t know how to fill out a check??
New Bathroom
So I am starting to redo my master bathroom. I am going to repaint everything (including the cabinets). I want to redo the floor. This will be the hardest part. I’ll have new baseboard. I tore off this wall covering my grandmother left in the back part of the bathroom and realized why it was there…. the wall has fallen apart. So I will need to fix that. I just need some new paneling. I am considering some waynes-coating to cover it (is that how it is spelled?). Anyway, I guess I’ll have to do some before and after pictures.
Update: I have found the colors I want to use. I’ve also got prices on repairing the wall, fixing up the floor and paint. Should be able to do it all for under $200. I also discovered that I can replace the carpet in my bedroom for under $100. I may do that one of these days too.
The Biggest Little State in the Union
So I have booked my trip for Providence. As you may know, I am going to visit my grandmother who is living in Rhode Island. I haven’t seen her in almost 5 years now. I haven’t been to Connecticut is almost 8 years I think… maybe 10. I’ll be renting a car and driving around all over the place. Hopefully I won’t get lost. I’m sure that I will take another 400 pictures like my previous trips. One good thing so far about this trip… I got the ticket for free from some miles that had been sitting on a credit card for a year or two now! Anyway, here are the details:
- Leave from Tampa at 7:40am on 11/15
- Arrive in Providence at 12:46pm on 11/15
- Leave from Providence at 1:25 on 11/18
- Arrive in Tampa at 6:43 on 11/18
If anyone is available to either pick me up or drop me off, please let me know!
I have an announcement. Michelle Ryan (of Bionic Woman) is the hotness. Here is an example.
The Gaurdian
So I was showing Nathan my antenna this evening and I looked up at my tower and noticed some fat brown thing at the top. I thought something got stuck up there… then I realized it was an owl!! I had an owl on my tower. That’s just cool. He’s protecting me from the rodents and all the cats around here.
Let’s go paintballin’
Ok, so I was working at a customers today. He is a lawyer in Plant City. He also happens to own a paintball shop which he runs upstairs from his office. He took me upstairs to show me the paintball stuff. He asked which color I like. I said orange. He didn’t have orange. He had black. He gave me a paintball gun, the hopper, a CO2 canister, and a mask. I already have paintballs here at the house. We need to go paintballin’!! Who wants to go???
Crazy Organic People
Ok, I’m sitting here playing rough with Meiko and I have the news on. They were talking about “green” rooms for your children. One of their ideas of green are “organic” sheets. The cotton used in the sheets did not have any kind of pesticides, etc. Ok. If you aren’t washing your sheets and are worried about pesticides in your sheets….. ???? Just… no! Why? Why are people so crazy?? People have been using sheets that weren’t “organic” for decades now and aren’t dying of some sort of pesticide poisoning. Sigh.
On a side note, this weekend was just beautiful outside. I even had my windows open all weekend and slept incredibly well without the A/C. I can’t wait for winter so I can do it more often. Especially since I don’t have someone living with me now to complain about how cold it is. Even when I was sweating.