Best. Color. Laser. Ever.

I setup the best office color laser I have ever worked with before today. It was a Xerox Phaser 8500. Here are a few of the things that made it great:

  • Solid ink tablets – no toner cartridge waste
  • Network/USB support, and a great network page to go along with it
  • Windows and Mac drivers built into the web interface, so you can just download it
  • Setup program to install, only 1.5MB, and find the printer on the network in about 5 seconds
  • Duplexing built in
  • Incrediblely fast
  • Great color
  • Small footprint, and stylish
  • A usuable LCD control panel!

Anyway, best damn printer I have ever worked with. I HIGHLY recommend one.

Pack ’em Up

Well, my parents want to move even sooner, which means I have to think even sooner about what I am going to do. I am looking for some office space… about 300 sq feet, and I’d like to find it for about $300. Know of anything? I don’t need storefront… just office space, and preferably a little private, like a second story.

Also, what is so wrong with living in an RV while I build a house? Jessica thinks I am crazy. I’ve always dreamed of it… simplifying my life down to stuff that I can carry in an RV and get rid of so much materialism. How very un-Buddha of her. Of course, I am materially tied to my big screen TV, so I don’t know what would happen there.

72 Degrees

My office now stays at a steady 72 degrees. It feels wonderful in here. Me and Jessica come in here and hang out every once and a while now too to cool down. My closet stays at about 75 degrees. There are currently two servers running in there (along with UPS’s, cable modem, router, switch). I will eventually have one more server in there when I figure out how to get a few things going on it (and get the time to do it). I wish I could put my MythTV box in there too.

Get your Winter Coats

Since my whole house A/C leaks freon, it tends to not cool so well after about two months. Therefore, I have gotten a seperate window A/C for my office. I have it set at 72. Should cool it down really nice in here. It also has a “dry” function, which I assume is like a dehumidifier (the manual is a little light on the details). I also needed one of these, because I will soon be needing to run another server in here, and I’ve also wanted to set up an internal file server.

Illegal Software

I was fixing a computer for someone, and decided to run Windows Update to check for updates. Well, I was alerted that the copy of Windows was illegal. So I checked it out. The sticker on the computer says Home Edition. The one installed on the computer: Professional. It turns out, they had taken their computer several times to a couple of different shops, and of course, their solution to removing spyware is format and reload. Well, I guess they didn’t have a CD, so they loaded an illegal copy of Professional on a perfectly good Dell that had Home Edition. Should I report it? Does Microsoft give away rewards? I mean, I don’t really care, but that is just awful to be putting that on someone elses computer without their knowledge. And why do people format and reload in the first place? It would have been a 2+ hour process to do all that, and I removed the spyware, uninstalled McAfee, installed AVG, showed the customer how to use Spybot and several other programs like Disk Defragmenter, all under 2 hours. An hour and a half to be exact.


I have finally upgraded from Hoary to Breezy. It broke a few things:

  • Evolution – Inbox is empty on my IMAP? So I switched to Thunderbird. I’m loving having extensions.
  • ESD was all screwed up, so I removed the ALSA part.
  • Pi-Sync will no longer run because of some Qt style

That is all I have noticed so far. The last one is really annoying at the moment, because now I have no Calendar, except for the one on my laptop. And it runs in Dapper, so why not Breezy? This is why I don’t like doing dist-upgrade stuff. I just like to start anew.

I’ve also noticed that I have burn-in on my brand new (5 months old) Dell 20" monitor. Go figure…

How Bad Hard Drives Get Punished



I’ve never seen a hard drive shatter like that. One shot. I threw it up against some concrete steps, picked it up, and heard the shattered pieces inside. If Bobby was around, we could have put a few big caliber holes through it. I still have a bunch of hard drives I need to destroy, maybe we can do some skeet shooting with them.