I am sitting here in my truck at some hotel picking up Internet access. I am currently in North Carolina as I was helping my father with some ditch digging. Man am I sore. However, tomorrow will make up for it. Tomorrow, I am driving along side the Smokey Mountains, then all the way out to Tennessee. I am looking at some land out there that I may invest in for a future vacation home. I just have to get all the coordinates. Then I will either head back home on 75, or maybe go visit Jessica in Savannah, Georgia, however, that is quite a bit out of the way.
Month: September 2006
On to the Mountains
It is 4:15 in the morning, and I am getting ready to leave for North Carolina. I will be gone for the weekend. I am helping my father with some ditch digging. It should be fun. I’ve got my new truck, and have it packed with everything I need, including food. Jessica is probably going to Savannah in Georgia while I am gone to see her friend Valerie. And to see her friend Xander I am sure.
I was in WalMart last night shopping for a few things I needed for the trip. The power went out. In a Wal-Mart. It was quite interesting. You could hear a slight panic throughout the store and people were fumbling in the dark (only the emergency lights were on). Everything except the front cashier were up. And over the intercom, we were told they would only operate for 20 minutes. The power came back on in about five. Does WalMart not have a generator system? I know it’s huge, but couldn’t it run stuff like every third light, some of the freezers (so they don’t have to throw out food), and of course the cashiers?
Anyway, I have a long ride ahead of me (I get there around 3:00), so why don’t you give me a call?
Aristarchus of Sámos, Welcome to Modern Astronomy
This is unbelievable. I mean, do they not teach modern astronomy in Canada? What is worse is what the audience said!
Time to Move On
I hate to see it go. It’s been a part of me for so long. Those fun times we had together. Those hot summer nights and cold winter days. The thrilling ride I got. I am of course talking about my Mustang Convertible. It is officialy for sale. I’d like to see $1,000 out of it, even though it is pricey for a “car” for someone as the tranny is shot and the A/C doesn’t work. It is however a great parts car and would make some Mustang lover happy. Sigh.
Genius is a Doofus
RSS – Random Shutdown Syndrome. This is the newest feature of MacBooks. They randomly shut off. Jessica’s is suffering from it. I believe I have discovered the problem thought. Poor Design. That’s right, Apple has a poorly designed laptop. I found a program that makes the CPU run at 100% on the Mac. The computer shut off within a minute. It heated up, and crapped out. I put a notebook cooler under it. It ran for about 10 minutes, until I picked it up to pull the battery, then it shut off. The notebook cooler kept the bottom cool. Apple, in their infinite wisdom of trying to make the thing look “cool” seems to have not thought ahead about airflow. Being that the case only has one airhole in the back, that doesn’t create flow. It has to come from somewhere and go somewhere.
Anyway, I took it to the Apple store since I was in Tampa anyway today. I asked the guy if I could remove the hard drive so I didn’t have to worry about backing it up. He said (while sounding like the boss in Office Space) that they need the hard drive in it to test it. So I asked what would I do if I had secure data on it. He suggested turning some encryption on in the hard drive. I also mentioned that Dell actually asks me to remove the hard drive before giving it to them. Well, I don’t feel like doing any kind of encryption, so here is what I am going to do. I am going to remove the hard drive, and put in a blank one. He never said it had to have a bootable system on it (hence if it was encrypted, they couldn’t use it), just that it needed a hard drive in it (“to test”). What I don’t understand is how a repair facility doesn’t have test hard drives laying around to use for “testing” purposes. I do. I have lots of equipment laying around. I guess I am a more advanced computer repair shop than Apple is. Go figure.
So therefore, the “Genius” at the Apple Store is a doofus.
Support our Agency
I just got a call from an advertising agency. They were trying to get me to buy an ad on some posters that will contain the the basketball schedule for Lakeland High School. Now, for one, I am from Jenkins. However, I really don’t give a crap about sports or “competition” of sports. So I tell her that I really don’t want to be supporting a sports team. She tells me it’s not supporting a sports team. “So wait, none of the money for the advertising goes to the school?” Nope. It all goes to the advertising agency. The school gets absolutely nothing out of it. I told her that I don’t want to support an advertising agency, and she says that I wouldn’t be, I’d be support my own business. Well, I am not desperate for business, and I told her that businesses put ads on things like that, because it looks like they are supporting the community, which is a good thing. A little more bickering, and she ends with “Good luck with your community.” In case you are wondering, the agency’s phone number is 563-322-8693 according to my caller id.
On another note, FOX SUCKS for ending the Firefly series. I just watched all the episodes that were aired on Monday on Sci-Fi. I must say, it was a great show. If you’d like to see it, I will keep it on my MythTV for a little while longer… or export them to MPEGs or something.
Props to Toshiba
I must say, I have to hand it to Toshiba on their Satellite 5105. I have one here in my shop that is having problems charging. The connector on the motherboard felt loose. So I took it apart to check it out. Every screw to take it apart is coded. B4, F6, etc. I can easily bag them up as I go along. Now, the amazing thing. The power connector… it is not soldered onto the motherboard!
The connector just slides in and out of the case making it much harder to break! Go Toshiba! So that leaves it to the power adapter, which is pretty shady.
The Killer Razor
Jessica leaves a razor in the shower. Well, when I am in the shower, I stand with my back to the water, and the razor is behind me on a little shelf. From time to time, it falls down and attempts to attack my feet. Well, this morning, the razor was on the other side of the shower. I saw the razor fall down on the other side, then bounce off the floor and over to my feet on the other side of the shower. In fact, behind my feet, where it always falls to when it is on the other side. I swear her razor is out to get me.
Evil Microsoft
I have been taken by the Billgatus of Borg. I have been assimilated. Well, sort of. My email is now going through an Exchange server. So all of my email will probably say “Sent by Exchange” in the headers somewhere. I have done this, because ElectroNerdz has recently aquired several more servers, and one of them is an Exchange server (whom hosts other customers of ours). However, I am still using the power of the penguin via the Evolution client. In fact, the Exchange support in Evolution is great. It supports more than the actual Outlook client does. For instance, I can ACTUALLY change my Exchange password through Evolution. You can not do this via Outlook. You would normally do it through your domain controller, but when you Exchange server and your domain controller (if one is even present) are not the same, then you are just out of luck I guess. It also supports things like Out of Office and Permissions on folders. And unlike Outlook, you can have several Exchange servers opened at once. I will also now have my Contacts and Calendar automatically sync through my phone.
Sore Like an Eagle
I bought a 100 pound punching bag the other day. I’ve messed around with it a few times. The first time was with Nathan and Lowell. Let’s just say Nathan really gets into it. Well, I used it again last night by myself. I broke the hook it was hanging on. So I moved it to my shed. I may end up breaking the rafters for the room, so I need to make it a little stronger. But anyway, my hands and arms are pretty sore. Of course, my hands get all beat up. But I can feel the muscle soreness all the way to my back. So I guess it is a pretty good work out. Also, does anyone know where I can park to use the new bike trail that runs along Bartow Rd, so I can go biking this weekend?