Boycott Update

So I bought this camcorder at Circuit City last night. They had none in stock, so they special ordered one, and told me that it would be in the next day (Friday). I called this morning and they said that there was one possibly still in the back that had not been unpacked from the truck yet that was for a special order. So I went in this afternoon. The woman asked me “Did someone tell you we had it?” Now it isn’t coming in till Monday (I guess the trucks don’t come on the weekends). I was furious and walked out. On my way out, I gave the automatic door a little push because it wasn’t opening fast enough for my current rate of walking speed. It came unhinged and swung open (it was the kind that say “Push open in emergency”). I just kept walking. Once I get the camera, Circuit City is joining my current boycott list. I don’t have much left in the way of personal electronics (as I have boycotted Best Buy). Anyone care to join me?