Sun Shaving

So I really want to play with solar power. I was playing around on the Internet, and found a website for creating a "Solar Power Generator". The idea is simple. Take a large rechargeable battery, hook it up to a solar panel and an inverter. My only issue is, how does it know when to stop charging the battery? But then again… it is solar power… I doubt it would ever go that far for the little bit of time during the day it would have sun-light. But anyway, I have several small items that I could power with this as a test. Mostly in my bedroom. Ceiling fan, electric shavers, alarm clocks, phone chargers, and my fish tank. I’d really like to be running the fish tank on solar. I am also looking at converting some of the old UPSs that I have laying around into these. They are already contained, and have multiple plugs. If anyone has an ideas, please let me know.

And before some of you say it, yes, I know it’s not a huge savings on energy costs. I am only toying with it. I know me running my alarm clock on solar is not “saving the world” and all. However, if it does work out, and the cost of solar keeps coming down, maybe one day, I could make it so that all I am reliant on the grid for is cooling (A.C., refrigerator, etc.) and heating (stoves, etc.).