Palm Centro

So I got my Palm Centro. The phone feels “sleeker”… I feel “cooler” using it. It is however, smaller. So I might be more prone to dropping it. Also, the screen seems like it might be crooked, and I am not sure if it is going to drive me nuts or not. We shall see…

Anyway, when I get a new device like this, I get interested in looking for programs for it. There are thousands upon thousands of Palm applications out there. One in particular I would like to find is an RSS reader. Unfortunately, they are all “ad-supported”. I’ve been thinking of writing applications for the Palm for a while now. I’m going to start looking into it. I don’t think it is incredibly hard. So here are a few ideas:

  • RSS Reader
  • Product Lookup Tool for my business
  • Various calculators

Well, I want to do more than that, but I can’t think at the moment. Of course, the first two will involve something I have not messed with personally yet… XML. I guess I should actually crack a book (as I have several XML books) and learn something related to that. Once I get the project started, I’m going to start a section on my website for programming projects.

And I know some will probably say that Palm is going away, etc., but just because Palm might be leaning another way (Linux, which wouldn’t be a bad thing), doesn’t mean PRCs won’t continue to work, and that many thousands of people will still be using Palm for many years to come.

I give off the “Vibe”

I am writing this while Bobby drives at a high rate of speed to the DC for a server crash and while on hold with the DC. I would normally not be functioning this early.

So my phone is about dead. Keys not working, data loss, etc. I got an error message on it the other day that it was low on memory, so I did a soft reboot. I was sure it was just a memory leak in some program. My phone reboots, but does it oddly. And then I get it. The stylus setup screen. Then I get the Tips screen. Finally, I realize my phone did a hard reset all on it’s own. Yay… not. So I setup my Exchange account to get back my Contacts and stuff, no major worry… yet. I stopped into the Sprint store the other night to look at the Palm Centro. I’ve been slowly researching this phone, reading reviews and such. I ask the woman in there if she can let me play with one. I can live with it. It’s smaller and “cooler” which I am not really all about. Anyway, I tell her I will be back Monday or Tuesday to get the phone. As I am walking out, I remember that I want to get some more information about the Everything plan they have now. So I walk back in to ask, and the conversation kind of goes like this:

Me: Oh hey, do you have anything on the Everything plan? I like to read the fine print, I’m weird like that.
Girl: Yeah. I remember, you used to come down to the old store.
Me: Yeah, another guy helped me a few times there. I think his name was Jason.
Girl: You mean Jeff?
Me: Yeah, the gay one. Well, I think he was gay anyway.
Girl: Yeah, he was gay. He liked you.
Me: Yeah, I thought so.

So yeah. Gay guys like me. Jeff gave me free Sprint stuff before. I thought it was just an offer from Sprint, but apparently not. And I just now realized that I had my friend Lowell with me at the time, who is very “metrosexual” and may have thought we were a couple. I guess he was the girl, and I was the guy. I asked Danielle about it, and she said I am a bit “fem”. Not sure if that is a good thing though. A few years back, I was also hit on by some 40-something gay guy that told me if I ever convert, to let him know.

Anyway, I am going back tonight to get the phone. I am going to tell her to tell Jeff I said hi, since they still talk (he moved to Atlanta).

Oh, and server is back up. Just needed a power cycle. That networked APC is looking better all the time.

Yes, We’re Still in Business

So I pulled up to a business today, and there was a sign, “Yes, We’re Open”. This made me think. This is not a good sign to put up. The parking lot was empty in front of this business. And putting this sign up is like saying, “Yes, even though we have no customers right now or any other time you seem to pull up, we are still open for business, and haven’t folded yet, so come on in.” Of course, I walk up to the door, pull, and it’s locked. They weren’t open. They were gone for the morning or something.

In other news, my CWP has NOT come in the mail yet. I do not know why. Maybe the FBI found something with my fingerprints, and I am being tracked right now. They could just run up any second and grab me from *muffled*

End Transmission

Blasphemy, in the name of Jesus

So I’ve been resting at home today after my trip, and I’ve left CTN on. This channel is complete bull****. I am blown away that these people can even say these things. If you buy this guys book, God will make you wealthy. Give your “seed” gift of $200, and you will have a “harvest”. It only takes $200, and God will give you a harvest, and make you wealthy. Oh, check isn’t fast enough? They take credit cards. Put your donation to the ministry of God on credit!

And, if you buy these other ladies pills and drinks, you will prevent cancer and diabetes, through the power of God.

Ugh. This channel sickens me.

Mountain View

Well, I am currently in North Carolina. I arrived yesterday. I left Lakeland at 4:30am, and arrived here at 1:30. My parents think I sped like crazy to make it here in 9 hours. I was going 75 most of the way, and just happened to not run into traffic. Anyway, I arrive at the house. It’s quite beautiful. And of course, after about 10 minutes, my father is already wanting to put me to work. But I evaded his sly ways for a while. I did however, eventually help to get his new cupola put on the roof. I have pictures. I however, can not upload them where I am at right now… my mother’s cabin. Cell phone reception out here is… well, spotty is giving it too much credit. I am currently sitting in the kitchen hoping that my sprint card stays connected long enough to post this. However, I am looking out at a gorgeous mountain view, with the smoke in the… Smokey Mountains. Anyway, I shall go play with my family now. Trisha arrived at 2:00 in the morning. Oh yes, speaking of that… I awoke yesterday at 4:30am… I didn’t get to bed till 2:30am… that’s 22 hours man. I was tired to say the least.

Across the Vinyl

So last night, I watched Across the Universe with Danielle. I enjoyed the movie. It was kind of corny at times. But… it had Beatles music. I really didn’t like how they slowed down some of them, and screwed up my signing along. And Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was at the end. That one song reminds me of my childhood for some reason. I kept waiting and waiting for it and it finally appeared in the credits. All of this reminded me of my love of oldies. So, today I hooked up my record player. My mother was thinking of selling it at a yard sale at some point, so I swiped it, and rescued it from sitting in someones home (or garage) not getting used. I like my static-y music, with the pops and skips and non-digital goodness. Of course, the one song that is stuck in my mind from last night, Hey Jude, is not on any of the records that I have. Sigh. Yellow Submarine and Yesterday for me I guess. And one of my wireless customers at IMW is going to be selling records and new needles. So maybe I can get a good deal on some stuff.

Smokeys, Here I Come

So I am going to North Carolina soon to visit my family. My sister Trisha will hopefully be there on leave from Iraq. I will be leaving the 17th of this month for the long 12 hour drive. I will be leaving North Carolina on the 22nd. This gives me four full days for fun and games! No… wait… wiring. Work. I will be working. Running wires. Some computer, some electrical. My father is not allowed to touch electrical wiring after hooking a 120V camper to a 220V feed and destroyed several appliances. So, if you want to see me before I leave… HA! Yeah, right.