Jettin’ It

First off, I want to say this. Ford has a commercial out about one of their cars. They advertise it as being as good as a Toyota now. I hope that ad agency got fired.

Secondly, I am getting jet skis!! WOOT! My friend Marcus is moving to Dallas. He currently has three jet skis that he has been trying to sell. However, he said why sell them, when he can give them to me, and borrow them when he is in town. I totally agreed with him. Two run, one is parts. I even get trailers. So of course, it will take me a little time to fix them up and make them run well. And of course, as long as he doesn’t get someone throwing him a lot of money before I pick them up Friday next week. So if anyone wants to go to Miami for a night, let me know!


So I finally got the knife from my sister! And oh my, it’s ******* awesome!! I love the small open action, and I can flick it with my finger, so it’s practically a switchblade. It has a 4 inch blade, and two hooks on it. This serves several purposes: easy to open by just using your index finger, a sturdy place to grab and pull out from wherever you are hiding it, and I suppose if you actually had to use it for defense, to keep it from going in too far. But regardless, it is one awesome knife. Thank you Trisha!! I love you!


Of course, now all I need is my carry permit. I called yesterday, and it’s still going through the processing phases. I have to call the 15th if I don’t have it by then, and they can give me a more definite “where is it”.