
So when my parents moved away, I sorta inherited my father’s shop. Technically, I owned it since it was on my property. However, now it is mine to do with as I wish. I’ve already started cleaning up inside. Sure, if you look at it now, it might look like the same mess he left me with, but there have been improvements. For instance, I have moved the light switch to the door, instead of having to walk 10 feet into the building to switch on the lights… in the dark… while tripping. I also added a receptacle and installed a shelf. This shelf will be where I drop off my tools from my truck when I need to empty it, and where I charge my batteries (hence, the receptacle). I installed a few L-brackets to hang various length of wood on and get it off the floor. It has also become a temporary storage area for a couple of dryers and a washing machine. My plan is to move every thing from the one half to the other and make that the “shop” and the other half will become storage. It will be mostly shelving like a warehouse where I can store personal and business stuff out of the rain, but stuff I may not necessarily need [any time soon], and that is a current state of disassembly (for trash or recycling or parts). I’ve also been spraying for all sorts of insects around the shop as it has gotten pretty crazy. I should also note that everything I have done so far has not cost me any money, as I am using stuff laying around. But don’t tell my father that I might be using some of his stuff ;-)