Hand Washing

So I have a dishwasher. Most of the time, it works… okay. I recently ran out of the dry powdered soap. So I got the liquid soap. Apparently, I had forgotten that liquid soap just does not work in my dishwasher (through past experience). It’s meant for dishwashers, but probably not for ones as old as mine. When I am at Danielle’s and wash the dishes, I have to wash them by hand. Well, I’ve taken that back home. My dishes are coming out cleaner, and I have more of them (as long as I am doing it daily). The dishes don’t pile up. So my dishwasher may sit empty for a while. I suppose I can still use it when I need to superheat things and disinfect them.

I was in the shop yesterday measuring a cupola for my father (28×28 base, 18″ to top of base, 36″ to top of windows, 56″ to top of roof, in case you were wondering), and I noticed a bunch of ants coming out of a makeshift shelf made of doors (built by my father, soon to be firewood). So I started to spray them. They kept coming out as I was making them mad. When they stopped, I went and got my drill and put a couple of holes in the side. They were not happy. I kept spraying as they kept coming out. Then I got serious. I went inside and got some foggers. I stuck it in the hole, and let it go. They slowed up pretty quick. I set off the rest of the fogger, and another one in the shop for the night. I went in this morning… looks like a massacre. Lots of dead roaches around too… I guess it worked.