Umm.. it was a joke.

So from time to time, I get some weirdo from some other country wanting me to ship some computer part overseas. It’s a scam. But I like to toy with them…

From: Randy Lee (of Singapore)
Dear Seller,

I’m customer from Singapore ,and I would like to purchase some products from
your company,but before we doing business,I need your answers for my
questions below,

1.Do you accept credit card directly for payment?
2.Do you ship overseas via shipment with FedEx or UPS?

Thanks before for the attentions and we are glad to doing more
business with your company.I look forward to hearing back from you as soon.

Best Regards,
Randy Lee

My response:

From: Jason (of the USA)
Randy Lee,

Yes, I will directly take your credit card. Please ship your card to me, and I will run it through my slider. I will also personally deliver your product straight to your door. Please ship me plane tickets. Look forward to doing business with you.

He no get my joke.

Heatsink Hack

Ok, so I am working on this Dell Dimension 8400. The fan goes full power, and no boot. After replacing the fan, still does it. It appears to be a heatsink problem. A very common problem on the Dimension 8400 from what I’ve read. The heatsink doesn’t make great contact with the processor (how it knows that, I don’t know). Anyway, while playing with it, I noticed that the computer will boot if the heatsink is tilted to one side. So I had to make that permanent. This is the ONLY way I have found to get it working without replacing the heatsink and motherboard, and possibly the CPU. I know it has “hack” written all over it, but oh well. It works, and I’d call it “creative” ;-)


Oh Christmas Tree

So I had my Thanksgiving today. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. The regular. No apple pie however. My family also put a Christmas tree and decorated, while I watched out of the corner of my eye. Should I put up a tree? There is supposedly one out in the shed. But it’s so much work to decorate. And where would I put it?

So it appears that Jessica may be getting married. After 5 months. Her Myspace status says “Jessica is getting hitched.” Unless she means something else, but she had been talking about getting married.

I also posted this on my Myspace page, but I am giving away free ElectroNerdz t-shirts. On one condition. You must actually wear it in public. I am trying to come up with ideas for something funny on the front, and then an ElectroNerdz logo on the back. For example, I am going to do “Shift Happens” on one shirt. If you are interested in a free shirt, let me know.

My Office

So I’ve actually gotten a lot of my office cleaned up. I’ve put up shelving and have started going through boxes of junk and figuring out what to do with it all. I’ll post pictures soon.

Speaking of pictures, here was my Thanksgiving dinner last night:


It was chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and stuffing. It was actually quite good. I also had a glass of blackberry wine to go with it.

Bushy Beard

So I’ve decided to grow out my beard a bit more. Most people don’t like it long, but it’s mine, and no one is going to complain that it’s scratchy. I’ve had it short for quite a while keeping it trimmed close. But I keep seeing a picture when it was longer, and it looked good, so I’m gonna try it again. It’ll probably turn red, but oh well.

Happy Un-Thanksgiving

So I’ve gotten two official invites for Thanksgiving (outside of my family, which will be on Saturday). I’m not sure I want to go to either however. For one of them, I’m still kind of uncomfortable around a particular person, but on top of that, social situations above four people are hard for me. They are extremely exhausting to me. I’m not quite sure why. Even going to church is hard, but I want to go so I deal with it the best I can. I’d almost rather just not do any holidays this year (other than with my immediate family). I’m just not in the mood for them this year. I’m not anti-social, just non-social. Is that such a bad thing? It’s just been a bad year for me socially. Things finally ended with Jessica. Bethany dumped me. I got to be good friends with Bryant, but then he shipped off to boot camp. I don’t see Nathan and Lowell as much as I’d like to. And this girl Megan drove me nuts for a while. It’s too emotionally and mentally exhausting.

Rhode Island: The Gentleman’s Club

Well, I slept much better last night than I have been since I took melatonin this time. I believe I slept for 10 hours. So this morning, we headed out towards Providence. I brought my grandmother to Target (as it’s too busy around there for her). We then went to the Providence Place Mall. A three story mall that would blow Lakeland’s mall out of the water. I mean heck, it even has an Apple Store. Driving around the city part of Providence is a little crazy, but I found my way around ok. Leaving however… let’s just say that the Route 6/I-295 intersection and I don’t mix well.

For lunch, we stopped at a restaurant called the Gentleman Farmer. I kept joking with my grandmother that she was taking me to a gentleman’s club. Their food is excellent. The waitresses were cute. I highly recommend the place. We drove around a bit more, and I learned more about the history of Foster, RI. You can see some of it in the photos.

Finally, this evening I saw my Aunt Louisa and Uncle Gil. I haven’t seen them in probably 10 years! Of course, I got the same old “You look just like your father!” Sigh. I also saw my father’s old friend, Ted. I’ve heard so many amusing stories about Ted and the things he did while helping my father build houses.

Anyway, check out more pictures on the photo gallery. Start on page 6 to see the new pictures.

Malibu Barbie

I had clam cakes and chowder tonight. It was delicious. It reminded me of Rocky Point. Sigh. I miss Rocky Point. On a different note, I am really starting to like the Chevy Malibu. It’s actually a nice car. It looks good. Excellent turning radius. Rides nice. Roomy. Of course, I would never buy one without some huge friggin’ warranty on it, cause I certainly wouldn’t want to work on it. Maybe I will get one when I start a family.