Woodstock ’05

Yesterday has to have been the worst day of my life. My truck has been broken down for a few days. Bad steering gear box. So I ordered a new (remanufactured) one from Discount Auto Parts. I put it in yesterday. It worked great for about 2 minutes, then the steering locked up tight. Checked the pump, believe me, it’s pumping. So the gear box is bad. So I had to tear it all back out and get another one at Discount Auto Parts. I paid more for a different brand this time. So anyway, after all that, I was pretty aggrevated. I went to Tampa to go to a Dave Mathews concert with Lowell and his friends. It was at the Ford Ampitheater. Don’t waste your time. That place sucks. The parking is horrible, because they make you do u-turns, then drive through the mud. I walked around for an hour trying to find Lowell, who was further aggravating me by lying about where he was. I finally get into the theater, and find out we have “lawn seats.” No seats, just a bunch of grass. And guess what, it was drizzling out. So anyway, waiting for the concert, one of Lowell’s friends spills beer on me. Yay. During the concert, twice, some girl looked back at me and gave me this evil look and smiled as if she was going to kill me later. Jessica say’s she was hitting on me, but I don’t see how. Anyway, continuing on, someone at the concert had to smoke pot. I felt like throwing up. It is such an awful smell. Also, the entire time, Lowell was with his “other” girlfriend, and I felt like beating him up. So anyway, I finally leave, early, and get onto the highway, and as I am doing this, my transmission slips as if it wants to go down the first. I figured it was probably just the wet road. I get all the way back to Lakeland, and get to the first stop sign. I take off, but my car barely moves. I barely moved for about 500 feet at about 1/2 mile an hour. I broke down. I am assuming the tranny in my car is shot. I had to get towed home. So now I have no vehicles, and hundreds of dollars in repairs to work on. Anyway, that was yesterday. Hopefully today will be a better day.

Yo Ho Ho

Well, my birthday has passed. For my birthday, Jessica got me a new computer case complete with blue LED fans. It also has dials for temperature, fan speed, and volume. She got me a birthday cake, as seen below:

Yesterday, we went to Magic Kingdom at Disney World on two free passes from a hotel that I used to do work at that closed down earlier this month. She wan’t fairly excited. She said she felt bad for the starving children in other countries who could not enjoy Disney. We tooks lots of pictures and I plan on putting them online in a gallery sometime soon. Here is one:

I need to write a gallery in PHP that does everything for me, just upload, caption, and click Finish. I took them all with my sister’s Olympus Stylus Verve. It was such a nice camera, that I bought one for myself. Except, I got the 5MP version (as listed in the link above). It take great pictures, has excellent battery life, extrememly small and easy to use, and even does videos. Only two downfalls: no viewfinder (but the battery life heps overcome this), and it uses xD cards. Which I particularily don’t like, but can live with. Jessica worked out today on my mini-gym. She was so cute with her 10 pounds. Working those muscles. Well, anyway, I SHOULD be working instead of goofing off, so I guess I shall go find work to do. OH, and, Lowell said he was going to buy me dinner last night for my birthday, but I guess he forgot, and I spent my own money at Cheesecake Factory. Mmm… cheesecake…..

It’s My Birthday, and I’ll Cry If I Want To

Well, today is my birthday, and what am I doing? Working of course! I should be out sitting on the beach, but instead, I am replacing hard drives and setting up A/V equipment. Dell really needs to do something about their SATA drives. They are crap. This is the second one to die in the last month or two. It’s craziness. Someone should sue. Jessica ordered my present late, so I don’t know when I will get it. She said it is over $100, comes in multiple pieces, and next day shipping would have been over $100. So any clues? Matt knows what it is… but he probably won’t tell me. On the way back home for lunch, a power line had fallen down in the road on Ewell Rd. There was no zapping or anything, it seemed fully intact, I think it had just fallen off of the pole. My father had offered to take me out to lunch, but because I am working, I can not accept at this time. Maybe dinner instead. And last but not least, I want to create a walltop. Comlete with the possibilty for online users to upload their own pictures. I have plenty of old laptops to do it with. I will keep you updated with the results.

A Day Off

Finally, I got a day off, well, kinda. I still had to drop off a computer to a customer while I was out, but it only took like 15 minutes. But regardless, I went to the mall with Jessica and Laura. I pretended I was their pimp. I bought some flip-flops from American Eagle, so Jessica would think I was hot. But it didn’t seem to help. Sheena didn’t think they were cool either.

What Happened to all the Lemons??

There is something about West Palm Beach/Riviera Beach… they don’t have any lemons! Every restaurant that I have been to has been out of lemonade! One restaurant wouldn’t even give me water, they had to give me bottled water. I guess there is some boil water advisory. Which I guess means that they use the water for the lemonade. I do not know.

Jumping Milk Caps!

Well, as I told you yesterday, I have been working at a milk storage place where they leave the old expired milk out. Well, today, those milk jugs just couldn’t take it anymore. As we were working, we’d hear something pop. I finally found out what it was. It was the milk jug caps popping off. They’d pop off and jump in the air about ten feet along with about a small cups worth of chunky milk. I can’t wait to get back to the computer work. Today was just too hot to work out in. Luckily, we finished a little early and only have a few hours tomorrow. Then I finally get back home…. to work more!

Milk Stinks

I am currently in the West Palm Beach area. I am sitting in the hotel right now using wireless Internet. I have been helping my father with a project down here. It is at a large milk company. Let me tell you, I don’t have a craving for milk. On the docks sits quite a few milk jugs out in the heat. I am assuming they had expired. And cartons. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of them. But worst of all is the smell. It is awful. All that old milk. I now have a burn on my back because I was working without a shirt. But I did go to Old Navy and buy some new clothes. My shorts were getting too dirty. I had brought a bunch of work pants figuring it was going to rain, but I get down here and not a cloud in the sky. Just pure UV-filled heat. I’d take picture, but there is nothing interesting to see since I am not near the beach. Well, I am going to go find something to do in this hotel since Jessica is not talking to me.

Wheelchair Access

Me and Jessica went to the hospital today to give blood. I elected not to as I am still getting over a cold, and I have to work out in the heat all this next week. I will go next weekend instead. But Jessica still gave blood. She flirted with the cute nurse-boy that sat next to her. After we left though, she almost passed out. I had to get her a drink. We’d walk about 50 feet, then she’d have to sit down. I finally went and got her a wheelchair and brought her to the car. She was so cute. I had to leave her while I went to go get the car. I felt like I was leaving a mental patient on drugs or something because she was all slumped over. She was afraid of rolling away, but I locked the wheels. Anyway, I must get to packing as I will be out of town for a few days.

Cold Dead Hands

I was laying down with Jessica on her bed yesterday as was she. I had my arm under my pillow as I usually do, and my hand sticks out just a bit. She put her hand near mine, and felt it there. She began to squeeze one of my fingers with her thumb and index finger. Then she jumped up and screamed! And I was like “What?” She thought there was a mysterious hand in her bed, and did not know it was mine. I laughed so hard.