Well, first off, I did not get the kitty. I went there Friday to drop off a key (which I forgot to do!) and they said someone else was interested and they had three little girls, so I said that a family should have it instead. Maybe some day Meiko will have a friend besides me.
So I am finally going to go to Ikea. I love the idea of cheap furniture. It’s supposedly been around for a few months now in Orlando. I was supposed to go with my mother, but instead I will be going with my friend Kristen who has already been there and is interested in their furniture also. I of course will not be purchasing furniture tomorrow. I have much more important things to spend my money on, such as a house to store the furniture and a vehicle to move it around. But I can plan for the future.
So I went to a “House concert” last night. It was a woman named Karma. It’s indie music. It was interesting. However, it only reinforced my problem with listening to music where I can’t here the words. I have no idea what the songs were about except for one where she explained her “air miles”. Beyond that though, I have no idea. I was also given a large bottle of Grey Goose vodka from a copier salesperson for helping her out at one of my customers during a copier setup. I am uncertain if she was flirting with me, or if she was just trying to a salesperson… :-p Christina, who was on the verge of being drunk, was trying to set us up, but used the line “You know, his ex-girlfriend was named Jessica” (which was the name of the salesperson). I don’t think that would be a good pickup line for me in the future.
I am also considering starting a separate blog just for computer stuff that I run across when at customers sites. They’d be things that I would like to share and help other people out with similar problems. I’ll keep you posted as to when I actually get around to doing that… if ever.