This just requires profanity. Zune, sucks. Royally. A customer asked me to put some of their personal data on their Zune. So I am installing the software on my laptop. It’s now been an hour, and the install is still NOT done. And it’s not a slow computer. It took 15 minutes to check for updates. Then it “prepared” my computer three times. It has now been stuck on 99% of “installing” for about 15 minutes. Microsoft really screwed this one up. I don’t know who they bought out to get the Zune, but you’d think they would have actually put a little effort into polishing up their software before just slapping their name on it. It is SO not an iPod killer. At least Macs come preinstalled with iTunes. And the standard iTunes install is done in 5 minutes. Goodbye from Lakeland.
Update: Now, just as I get ticked off enough to just cancel the setup and see if I can run the program manually, the screen starts to flicker, and the battery goes dead in the laptop I was using. Thank you Microsoft for such a fine product. Keep them coming. Not.