Cloverfield: Well, I liked it.

Ok, this might contain spoilers, so be warned. I saw Cloverfield tonight. All in all, I very much enjoyed the movie. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and it was original with a good story. The constant movement of the camera was a little much. I read something on Slashdot where one person mentioned that not even an armature would be that bad… I have to disagree. Most people these days don’t hold the camera to their face. They hold it out a couple feet and look at the screen which doesn’t make for steady video. I’d really like to know more about the monster and where it came from and stuff, but maybe it’s best left alone. It doesn’t really matter. Oh, and one thing about the camera… it says in the beginning “SD Card” as if it was a digital camera using flash memory… it would have had to be a film (as in tape) camera because of the film cutting in and out as it did. Film is susceptible to vibration, flash is not. Ok, so not really any spoilers to speak of. But whatever. I liked it. If you didn’t, well boo to you.

Also. Star Trek. O. M. G. Can’t. Wait.