5 Year Dinner

Well, as proposed by Bobby, the 5 Year anniversary will be more simply celebrated (and those of you who know me, know I am a fan of simplicity). So here is how the night will go down:

7:30: Limo picks me up
7:45: Limo picks up Bobby and Brittani
8:00: Limo picks up Danielle
8:10: We head to Tampa for Berns Steak House
8:50: Arrive at Berns Steak House
9:00: Dinner at Berns Steak House
10:00: Night is open to… whatever happens!

Edit: Had to update some times… dinner is at 9:00 instead of 8:30.

Protest This

So I was driving down South Florida Ave this morning, and once again, I saw the abortion protesters. They’ve been out there every day for a few weeks now I believe. But this one sign just got me thinking. It said “Adoption: The Loving Option”. Adoption. Are you kidding me? As if there are just millions of people looking to adopt children. It’s quite the other way around. Most people who adopt are doing so because they are unable to have children. How about signs such as “Adoption: Put your Child in the System” or “Adoption: Does ANYONE Want Him?” Now, I am not advocating that I am for abortion, nor am I against it. I am against protesters. I mean, do they really think that I give a [expletive deleted] about what they have to think? I feel like going out there an joining them, but holding signs that are against protesters.

5 Year Mark

So on March 3rd, 2008, ElectroNerdz will officially be 5 years old. Over the hump. If it can survive 5 years, why not more? ElectroNerdz has increased is revenues dramatically, and is just about out of whatever debts it currently has. The number of customers has grown to possibly be between 100 and 300 people and businesses.

So to celebrate, ElectroNerdz employees and their significant others (which is I guess is just me, Bobby and Britanni) will be taking the weekend of March 7th off. I am not quite certain doing what yet, but all I feel like doing is… nothing. Sitting on the beach doing nothing or something similar. I am open to ideas. I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on it, but I want to do something. And I’d like it to not be more than 5 hours away. So please give me ideas.

Bleep Bleep

Ok, so I’ve made it no secret that I find Sarah Silverman strangely hot. She is currently “dating” Jimmy Kimmel, formerly of The Man Show, but now hosts his own talk show. A while back, I found a video on YouTube via a friend of his show, where Sarah was on and had to tell Jimmy some sad news, so she made a video of it. It was hilarious. Well, apparently, Jimmy Kimmel decided to make a video of his own in response to her video.

Please note, these video are a little long, 5+ minutes each, and contain a lot of “bleeps”. Not for children. Although, it did broadcast on national television, so who knows.

This might be a little gross…

So, Friday night, I took Robert to the Castle. It was the weekend of his birthday, and I owed him for helping me out the other weekend. We stopped at Applebees on the way. I got a Mac and Cheese with chicken thing. So we get to the club. A little empty at first, but the goths start coming in. Lots of “dominating” women and gay looking guys. The Senator was not there that night, but the night before. One of the most interesting girls was this one whose shirt consisted of 4 pieces of black tape. Well, this entire time, I was sitting on a couch. I wasn’t feeling too good, and my stomach kept getting worse and worse. At about 2:30, I couldn’t take it anymore, and got up to go tell Robert that we needed to go. I get up to him, tell him, then get dizzy and have to sit down. Next thing I know, I am on the floor looking up at a bunch of people looking over me. Robert helps me up and we get out to the street. I lay down on the sidewalk while he goes and gets my car. The entire time back, I am shaking from chills. As soon as I get home, that’s when it happens. My body decided to evacuate everything every which way it could. Fast. Yes, it sounds gross, but, hey, it happens. It had to have been food poisoning. It has to have been the worst experience of my life. I have never felt so bad. My guess is the cheese in the mac and cheese dinner used some bad milk, but I can’t be sure. I am still sticking to mostly soup and rice at the moment, but am actually moving about now. Robert stayed with me that entire night, so special thanks goes out to him for being a good friend. I owe him a dominating woman (whom I toppled onto when I passed out).

Safer, not manlier

So in the past week, the issue of “guns” has come up with two friends. The first said he would shoot someone in the leg and then hold the gun to him while he called 911, or run to the neighbors and call 911 from there (after shooting him in the leg). My response is shooting him in the leg will only piss him off. The reason this came up was because I said I use hollow points, which, well, leave a huge mess inside, so they don’t get back up. The other friend said the only use for guns (as if it were a “tool”) is to “kill things”. This might be true, but the reason I would be killing them, although I hope I never have the need to, would be to protect myself, or my family. My family (parents, sisters, future wife and children) are my top priority. And I will use all means necessary to protect them. And I would risk my own life for them. I think of the recent shooting that happened at a couple of churches where a gunman was going around killing people in churches, until one lady in the last church pulled out her weapon and put him down (Article). The day I found out about that, the pastor at the church I go to said how he would protect his own family at all costs and if someone tried to hurt his family, he would “tear them limb from limb”. I may not be able to express the way I feel very well, but I do feel strongly about it. Education is the best tool to keep guns safe.


Sometimes I feel like I go to far. That I say too much. When it is not the right time. But when is the right time? Will there ever be a right time? I certainly hope so. I must hold back or else it may become too powerful. Or are things already too much too fast? Do I want to hold back for now?

Good Times

So I got to see Marcus yesterday. He lives in Miami, and I only get to see him once in a blue moon. He was in town picking up something and went to see his daughter in Gainesville. I had some things I wanted to talk to him about dealing with my life’s “ponderings” so it worked out great that he was in town. He told me about things going on in his life such as the jet ski that he just got for $410. We got to talk geek-speak. While I was at his family’s house, I practiced my Spanish skills (I took three years in high school, but forgot a lot of it) with a young boy while I showed him my pictures on Myspace and the Photo Gallery and tried to explain what they were and how they related to me. Then me and Marcus had a debate on using guns for self protection. And in the end while Marcus was playing a game called Worms (which was just too much going on for me), I sat on my laptop and helped a friend via AIM that doesn’t understand how some men are attracted to strippers. It was good times.

You You You

So the other day, Bobby told me that a customer of ours got a “bad vibe” from me. I gave off a stalker/serial killer/molester vibe I guess (I’ve gotten called all three before). Granted, I do like to know a lot of things about people, although, I didn’t really find her all that interesting, so I don’t know where the vibe came from. Every time I meet someone new that I am interested in (friendly or romantically), I want to know everything about them. I wouldn’t say it’s because I am a stalker though. I am just interested, and want to know more. And I know how to do my research. I know how to find out things. I know where to look. You could say I keep “files” on people in my head. But anyway, I really need to go back to PCC in the fall. I want to take more psychology and sociology classes. I’ve taken Intro to Psychology already and very much enjoyed it. However, I would prefer to audit the classes. I do not want to take tests. I’ll do homework, on my own terms, for my own study purposes. So I just won’t receive a grade, big deal. I don’t mind that. I care more about what I know than what a number tells me what I know. I’ll have to ask around and find out the best teachers who actually talk more than assign. I don’t believe PCC is great for lectures however. It might be more worth my time to go to USF in Tampa and get in the big lecture classes. But they might be just as bad with useless teachers. So if anyone is interested in going “back to school” with me, let me know. We can be study-buddies.