You You You

So the other day, Bobby told me that a customer of ours got a “bad vibe” from me. I gave off a stalker/serial killer/molester vibe I guess (I’ve gotten called all three before). Granted, I do like to know a lot of things about people, although, I didn’t really find her all that interesting, so I don’t know where the vibe came from. Every time I meet someone new that I am interested in (friendly or romantically), I want to know everything about them. I wouldn’t say it’s because I am a stalker though. I am just interested, and want to know more. And I know how to do my research. I know how to find out things. I know where to look. You could say I keep “files” on people in my head. But anyway, I really need to go back to PCC in the fall. I want to take more psychology and sociology classes. I’ve taken Intro to Psychology already and very much enjoyed it. However, I would prefer to audit the classes. I do not want to take tests. I’ll do homework, on my own terms, for my own study purposes. So I just won’t receive a grade, big deal. I don’t mind that. I care more about what I know than what a number tells me what I know. I’ll have to ask around and find out the best teachers who actually talk more than assign. I don’t believe PCC is great for lectures however. It might be more worth my time to go to USF in Tampa and get in the big lecture classes. But they might be just as bad with useless teachers. So if anyone is interested in going “back to school” with me, let me know. We can be study-buddies.